Example sentences of "then in [noun] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And then in darkness with a shout that gives a fierce twist to his jaw — we 're in it .
2 Brooke was employed in Manchester , and then in Ireland at the time of the rebellion .
3 Charles Booth between 1886 and 1902 surveyed , first , poverty in East London , and then in London as a whole .
4 ‘ He was OSS , then in London at the time of Winter Garden , then he came back in the mid-Sixties .
5 The exploration of what each part of the body can express in isolation and then in co-ordination with the rest is possibly the most important aspect of a choreographer 's work if it seeks to be modern in spirit and technique .
6 If the teacher seemed quite happy with the episode involved , then in discussion after the lesson the observer can try to gather how the teacher feels about the intended pattern of behaviour , why it did not occur , and what can be done .
7 He was sitting up on his stretcher cursing away in French and then in English at the top of his voice .
8 He knew the wording by heart : Attempt to export equipment with intent to evade prohibition then in farce by the Provision of the Export Control and Goods Order and C & E Management Act ( Section 68/2 ) , 1979 … and he knew that the offence carried a maximum sentence of seven years imprisonment …
9 Er in answer to the question Which proposed change do you object to ? he wrote Greenbelt boundary north of Skelton , and then in answer to the question Please state here the full grounds on which your objection or representations will be made , he wrote The change is contrary to my supported representations on the deposit plan .
10 Should , say , the factor ( ) be repeated r times , then in terms of a set of constants B i the expansion is expressible as Restoration to a common denominator and comparison of the coefficients of powers of s in the numerator with those in the original numerator determines the constants B i in equation ( 11.37 ) or A i in equation ( 11.36 ) .
11 The cause of the tears was the arrival , a few days earlier , of a parcel at the busy Buckingham Palace office which she shared with Michael Colbourne , who was then in charge of the Prince 's finances , and several others .
12 Christopher Patten , who was then in charge of the Research Department , but is now in total control of the Party machine , will find it difficult to re-establish the library and its heritage , even supposing that the catalogues have been kept so that he knows what has been lost .
13 Only when they have examined what hands , arms , legs and feet , body and above all the head can do in isolation and then in harmony with the story , theme or music , can they set out and create a style which will be general in structure and particular in texture , with the right quality , mood , emotion , action and character .
14 Spells in San Francisco as Kuparuk development manager , then in Australia on the NW Shelf and PNG interface followed before he headed back to Aberdeen and Magnus in August after completing the Sloan programme at Stanford University .
15 Then he turned , and with a little gesture of farewell crossed the highway and headed back towards Lima , a small , shambling figure glancing back every now and then in search of a truck that would give him a lift .
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