Example sentences of "then [v-ing] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They looked at each other , then returning their gaze to the far distance there was a silence between them before Mick went on again , ‘ As I see it now , real education is what you get from life : not what life gives you , but what you give to it .
2 ‘ I understand you 've had only a boiled egg this morning , ’ she said meaningfully , then returning her attention to the maid , ordered , ‘ Make that tea for two , Margaret .
3 They did n't appear to mind me playing a double game , allying with each in turn , then becoming their opponent at the next round .
4 The third , Vulcanian phase , also probably reflects this de-gassing process , with gas escaping from the magma below accumulating in the higher parts of the volcano , and then blasting its way to the surface .
5 Simms maintained his silence on the reason for his withdrawal , and in 1842 refused to give an interview to R. R. Madden [ q.v. ] , then writing his history of the United Irishmen .
6 He went and stood by the shower and watched Sophie in soft-focus shampooing her hair then turning her face to the showerhead .
7 The business of getting into costume and make-up and then giving his performance as the father in Malcolm Harris 's The Hooded Owl meant that details like confrontations with murderers would have to wait .
8 The inauguration of the 3,000-mile link of co-axial cables and microwaves took place on an unusually hot Saturday morning , 8 September 1951 , for the reporting of the momentous happenings then reaching their climax in the gaudy and Italianate opera house in San Francisco .
9 Husameddin adds that an " ostensible reason zahirde bir sebeb ) for his going may be found in his desire to meet with Shaykh Zayn al-Din Muhammad Khawafi ( Seyh Zeyneddin ) , who was then making his way toward the Hijaz from Khorasan .
10 As always at this time of year , there have been some notable changes on the coaching front , with Pavel Slozil switching from being with Steffi Graf to Jennifer Capriati , Pete Sampras once again breaking from Jo Brandi and then Stanley Franker , the man credit with transforming Dutch tennis , announcing first that he would be leaving Holland to work again in Austria , and then changing his mind in the light of a new and improved offer from the Dutch Tennis Federation , who , given that country 's recent success ( 3 men in the top 40 ) , were naturally unhappy about his impending departure .
11 Then putting her hand under the pillow , she said , ‘ There 's the key .
12 Probably the priestesses systematically brought the peak sanctuaries and other rural shrines under their control , just as Solomon was to do a thousand years afterwards , building an urban temple and then extending his power over the high places .
13 Do n't cheat by first allowing your body to droop and then jerking your backside into the air .
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