Example sentences of "then [vb base] the [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We can now observe twentieth century features of Hebridean kitchen gardens and can recognise a profusion of plants which occur , then sense the continuity of custom as Martin Martin informs us of the uses he observed almost three centuries ago .
2 Two third-year courses then cover the fundamentals of microbiology and virology in one course and aspects of applied microbiology and biochemistry in another .
3 He had then put the bottle of whisky out on the table , in the hope that after a couple of shots , Pat Milligan 's rage would abate , and they could talk instead about the Red Sox 's chances in next week 's match against the New York Giants .
4 Known as bacteroids , they then begin the process of nitrogen fixation and the resulting ammonia is absorbed by the host plant which combines it with glutamic acid to produce glutamine .
5 put her in the bedroom and then enjoy the rest of Christmas !
6 It is in the last hundred years or so that theories have been advanced to justify critical or art historical practice , the creation of such theories being made more urgent in the last fifty years by a struggle to establish and then uphold the status of art history as an academic discipline .
7 Most people who notice it at parties are too polite to ask what it is and why I am wearing it , but to the few who do I say ( because I find it embarrassing to explain ) that it is concerned with the story of the sinking of the Bismarck ; and then relish the look of puzzlement on their faces .
8 First , take into consideration the way in which sound travels through the structure and through the air , then remember the rules of sound insulation : increased weight to stop sound travelling through the structure , and soft surfaces to prevent sound entering the structure .
9 We met and a plan was conceived : Pete and Dick would get the next round in , then organise the logistics of food , route and transport .
10 They then set the price of oil at its loading port and found outlets for it in world markets .
11 As one who was in the vanguard of the battle to halt and then reverse the ratchet of socialism , I appeal to all who really care for their country and their children 's future : do not give history an opportunity to repeat itself .
12 Then clean the piece of glass really thoroughly , first washing and then drying it , either with a proper glass cloth so that no pieces of lint are spread over the surface , or using a proprietary glass cleaning product and a suitable cloth .
13 Look carefully at the music of the first two bars then write the music of bar three .
14 Erm you were asked to look carefully at the music of the first two bars then write the music of bar three .
15 Then follow the line of telegraph poles to the remains of an old railway bridge .
16 The first step requires us to postulate a form for player A's equilibrium strategy and then deduce the nature of player B t 'S knowledge about the private information z , given its knowledge of A's strategy .
17 Firms then have the right of appeal to the European Court of First Instance , and ultimately to the European Court of Justice .
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