Example sentences of "then [vb base] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Er once we decide whether that is the right situation for you or this is the right situation for you erm we then look at the options we have in which company that Patrick might feel most comfortable with .
2 Then negotiate on the items which cause any difficulty .
3 Some from the carriage could jump down and then slither into the lines they must form .
4 The instructor should distribute Handout 13 , then go through the steps one at a time using the details in the text and asking the trainees to complete exercises where necessary .
5 I would like therefore to begin by looking briefly at that context and then move onto the skills which the diplomates will train their students to achieve , the level of skills their students are likely to have already and outline some of the issues met by the Dip .
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