Example sentences of "then [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the first the message is received in full and is then given out to the person ; in the second the message is received and is simultaneously translated into the second language .
2 Later that day , the news began to spread that the Headmistress had recovered from her fainting-fit and had then marched out of the school building tight-lipped and white in the face .
3 When the cat was successful it was rewarded with food and then placed back inside the box .
4 In the case of practitioners , who are now included in the disputes procedure , that 's , that is then referred up to the Family Health Service Authority .
5 another , is normally then referred back within the T B B and also with the year , the middle of the July committee every year we report on , schedule and minor improvement propose for the accounted year and the following year when members can see each individual scheme which is under preparation and is imminent in their lovely er their order of construction .
6 The hemiplegic leg is then lifted back to the floor , the trouser leg is pulled a little further up the thigh , and anchored in place by the patient crossing his unaffected leg over it .
7 The normal formula is ‘ it seemed good to the Council and People ’ , indicating that the decree had been prepared for the Assembly ( ‘ the people ’ ) by the Council , and was then voted on by the Assembly .
8 They were checked again then carried on over the drawbridge and through the gate .
9 These worms have a similar food-gathering strategy to the more familiar filter-feeding tubeworms , but instead of the feathery heads of fanworms have long , sticky tentacles which they wave in the current or drag over the substrate in search of food particles which are then carried back to the mouth as the tentacles are drawn in .
10 For no reason that is known , he then dropped out of the shukokai world , apparently disillusioned .
11 A high-pass filter was used to isolate the local ( high-frequency ) variation which was then added back to the image so that the local component was effectively doubled , thus amplifying or exaggerating its importance .
12 As a mere formality , Minton , like others , was then reappointed on to the staff .
13 He enveloped her mouth in one last , languid taking , then rolled on to the pillow beside her .
14 This is always agreed to and the Bill is then reported back to the House .
15 They are cooled by water taken from the river Yenisey , which is then discharged back into the river , in contravention of recently-passed environmental legislation .
16 The effect on our own accounts is that we now show all the mainstream activities of the Council together , and they are then separated out from the entries for all the other funds , appeals , and trust funds and so on .
17 The interview then moved on to the consideration of the Head of Department 's departmental work , but kept drifting back to his ambition for wider experience .
18 FURTHER intelligence about the amazing Mr Humphrey Berkeley , who left the Conservative Party after bequeathing it an elective system for choosing its leaders , joined Labour , then moved on to the SDP , only to resign from it , too .
19 Captain Swan was the trainer on that occasion and Charlie then moved on to the Kevin Prendergast yard where he had to give up Flat racing because of a sharp rise in his weight following an accident .
20 He dusted it a little , to marvel better , and then moved on to the glass coffin .
21 The service 's interest began with his trade with Russia , then moved on to the Iran-Iraq war and the build-up to the Gulf crisis .
22 She wrenched open the door behind her , ran through it , slammed it shut behind her , then dashed out of the house .
23 The water then passes to a coil in the indirect solar cylinder , and is then pumped back to the bottom of the solar panel .
24 It will be deducted from the loss and payment then made up to the policy limit .
25 The water is then fed out to the waterfall .
26 Interactionists made much of how such variations could lead to a ‘ deviancy amplification spiral ’ : if the public ( informed by the media of rises in the criminal statistics ) believes crime to be on the increase and more of a problem they may be more sensitive to it , report more to the police who will then record more and therefore produce a further rise in recorded crime , which is then fed back to the public by the media , and so on ( see Wilkins , 1964 ; and Young , 1971 ) .
27 It is then written up as the business strategy or plan together with a detailed plan for implementation .
28 The bones are first modified and altered to conform to the skeletal dimensions of the body , which is then built up from the inside outwards using organic substitute flesh .
29 The action sledge , a wooden frame , is then pushed in under the action , lifting it to the right height under the strings .
30 The prey is then drawn up to the mouth and swallowed whole .
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