Example sentences of "then [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Quiss was led by the dwarfish scullions , through the banked ranges past gleaming tubs , boiling vats , open fires and grills past rows of massive , wing-nutted pressure cookers guarded by blast screens , under huge n-shaped pipes , bubbling and gurgling and leaking steam , and over the dainty , counter-sunk tracks of a narrow-gauge railway until eventually he saw a wall ahead , and was led up a rickety wooden staircase to a narrow gantry then stopped at a small wooden door set into the wall .
2 Julia stopped and then added in a quick toneless voice , ‘ The actual facts you already know .
3 After the photographic plate was exposed , it was separated from the screen , developed as normal into a negative , then turned into a positive black and white transparency .
4 After the photographic plate was exposed , it was separated from the screen , developed as normal into a negative , then turned into a positive black and white transparency .
5 They moved on to see some fellows working on a lovely Galway hooker raised on sleepers at the waterside , then crossed to a quiet little bar and had some Beamishes .
6 Each grapheme is then translated into a corresponding phonemic representation on the basis of pre-established conversion rules ( each grapheme would become associated with a particular phoneme as one 's reading skills develop ) .
7 When a sound start was then followed by a sparkling 80 from Richards , a classical 84 from Hooper and a thumping 72 from Marshall , with even Ambrose making 43 , we knew exactly what was what , and when Richards declared on the fourth evening at 448 for 9 , leaving England with a day plus 51 overs to survive , there were probably not many people who thought they would make it .
8 After two days , Beattie 's trial was adjourned for eighteen days and then resumed for a further three days .
9 First , the votes given to each of the parties in each of the Republic 's ten Länder are separately aggregated to produce national totals , which are themselves then combined in a single comprehensive total .
10 A 5.3 kb BamHI fragment from the 3' end of the T.brucei tubulin gene locus ( 23 ) was then inserted into a unique BglII site , just downstream of the ble gene .
11 The tall boy washed , cleaned his teeth , fought bravely with his comb and then dressed in a faded Hawaiian shirt and his summer suit .
12 The head was then pickled in a ten-foot long tin box , and the rotting body returned to the ocean .
13 On walking into the Stop Hinkley Centre , Marshall introduced himself with typical candour as ‘ the enemy ’ , then launched into a long shaggy dog story about how much opposition there had been to a hydro-electric scheme in Snowdonia .
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