Example sentences of "then [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the changes in connectivity which form the memory are localized to a particular small set of cells and their connections within the brain , rather than being widely diffused , then removal of the set of cells should also remove the memory — or prevent it from being formed .
2 In 1152 , Henry Plantagenet ( later Henry II ) became duke of Aquitaine , then part of the comté of Poitou , and as such recognized his vassalic status towards Louis VII of France .
3 A former priest , he hit the headlines as secretary and then chairman of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament .
4 The Acting Librarian Mr I. D. McGowan read a message dictated by Professor Roberts to be read on this occasion , and Mr M. F. Strachan , then Chairman of the Board of Trustecs , gave a moving address , before inviting guests ‘ to meet , talk and refresh ourselves as Denis wished ’ .
5 By 1908 Wilson noted that the 1,000 or so Chinese seamen shipped at United Kingdom ports in 1905 had increased by 1907 to 5,000 and a deputation of 40 seamen was organised to wait upon Winston Churchill , then President of the Board of Trade .
6 Under Labour , the best example is Denis Healey who was Secretary of State for Defence from 1964 to 1970 and then Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1974 to 1979 .
7 Then type in a name for your graph — using eight characters or less — and it will be saved when you press Enter .
8 First create your name and address list in the database then type in the letter in the WP .
9 In a rather different way , the estimation of the annual output of the Roman mint between about 150 and 50BC has enabled a picture to be constructed of the growth and then contraction of the liquidity of silver coinage during that period ( fig. 24 ) .
10 And it was a notorious lobby briefing which alerted the world the Mr John Biffen , then Leader of the House of Commons , was on his way out .
11 The ‘ Rameses ’ team was led by Dr Rita Freud , then Director of the Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology at Memphis State University , who has since become Curator of Egyptian Art at the Museum of Fine Arts , Boston .
12 The attitude of the family has implications for the style of initial assessment carried out by the psychiatrist ; if the psychiatrist realises from the outset that other agencies are involved then consent of the family for reports may be obtained at an early stage .
13 During this period he also wrote the first act of the ‘ sacred Singspiel ’ Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots ( 9 ) the remaining acts being written by Michael Haydn ( l737–l806 then Konzertmeister to the Archbishop of Salzburg ) and Anton Adlgasser ( 1729–1777 , court and cathedral organist in Salzburg ) .
14 If a string is attached to load W which is free to slide without interference , then movement of the string in the direction of the arrow will cause W to describe a tractrix .
15 ( d ) Joan Ruddock , then chairperson of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament , heard her telephone conversation being played back to her at the end of a call .
16 If this idea is right ( and Dr Underwood is not saying it is ; he simply points out that it is plausible ) then elimination of the crown of thorns could reduce the diversity of the reef .
17 Had the client been a trader assessable under Schedule D , Case 1 , then relief for the loss under the guarantee would very likely be available under income tax provisions , similar to the allowance for bad debt losses .
18 Let's get the message over , let's go without one congress and I know that 's near to John 's heart and request the other unions , A E U , U C A T , T N G , request the T N , T U C to do the same and then plaster over every bus in Britain , the G M B's policy .
19 He also knew that his wife , after being secretary to a bishop and then secretary to the professor of divinity , and his hostess for eight years , was better equipped to be the wife of the new Bishop of Durham than any other woman in the country .
20 I want you to introduce the plan and then hand over the presentation to Klepner .
21 In so far as power in organizations derives in part from an ability to resolve uncertainty , then location within the network of communication is important .
22 The Missa Papae Marcelli of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina ( C. 1525–1594 ) , then master of the chapel at St. Maria Maggiore at Rome , may well date from this time and have been accepted at once as an embodiment of the Tridentine ideal but there is no evidence that it was the unique exemplar of the legend .
23 The main courses arrived , with more wine , there was singing , then pudding in the form of gateaux and fruit salads , and liqueurs and cigars .
24 Prepare your planting spot by digging in some organic matter , then fork in a handful of bonemeal to encourage the roots to spread out into the soil .
25 The research — and terrorism — progressed when he was lecturing in politics at University College , Cardiff , and then reader at the University of Wales .
26 At Oxford he became lecturer in the philosophy of mathematics in 1945 ( reader , 1950 ) , then reader in the philosophy of science in 1955 .
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