Example sentences of "then [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In many areas , it took the full weight of Paisley 's authority , exercised either directly or through loyal supporters such as Gordon Cooke , then chairman of the North Antrim branch , to persuade the Protestant Unionists to dissolve in favour of the new organization .
2 As John Payne was then chairman of the East India Company and his brother Edward a director of the Bank of England , Smith & Payne , almost from its commencement , was a prestigious house that could attract the correspondence of other country banks and desirable town and country business .
3 Chamberlain was broadly sympathetic to the town planning and garden city movements , and his committee included G.L. Pepler , town planner from the Ministry of Health , and Capt. R.L. Reiss , then Chairman of the Garden Cities and Town Planning Association .
4 The same filter underwent successive hybridization with the SE162 and srRNA probes ( Figure 4A ) , prior to dehybridization then rehybridization with the cytochrome b probe alone ( Figure 4B ) .
5 It had a preface by Herbert ( later first Viscount ) Samuel [ q.v. ] , then president of the Local Government Board , and made a considerable impact .
6 Then space–time outside the parent body as it collapses to a point is described by the Schwarzschild metric : this region includes all space–time outside the horizon and all spacetime down to the surface of the parent body inside the horizon .
7 In 1979 John Coplans , then director of the Akron Art Museum , invited Lee Friedlander to photograph the northern industrial belt of the United States .
8 Raul Gardini , then head of the family group , was battling for control of Enimont , a big chemical company which Montedison owned jointly with the Italian state .
9 In 1784 a Mr Higgins sold wine to a twenty-six-year-old Horatio Nelson , then captain of the frigate Boreas .
10 ‘ They had come a long way from a meeting in the very early days when Sunil Desai , Jayaben 's son and then secretary of the strike committee , had suggested that the men do the picketing and the women make the tea .
11 And this is a way for to fill up our purse Although we do get it with many a curse And the poem ends : Then hay for the Clothing Trade , it goes on brave ; We scorn for to toyl and moyl , nor yet to starve .
12 It was on this issue that his controversy with R. J. Campbell , then minister of the City Temple in London , centred ; many had accepted the views to which Forsyth had taken exception .
13 The panel noted " direct and circumstantial evidence " that Gen. Juan Rafael Bustillo , then Commander of the Air Force ( now military attaché in Israel ) , Gen. René Emilio Ponce , then the Army Chief of Staff ( currently Defence and Public Security Minister ) , and Gen. Juan Orlando Zepeda , currently the Deputy Defence Minister , had been among those who had planned an attack the day before at the Salvadorean military academy .
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