Example sentences of "then [art] [noun sg] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He is cursed to stare into a mirror , preening himself , and then the reflection in the mirror suddenly changes , as does the appearance of the young man to match his reflection .
2 For example , if a verbal message is to reach its audience then the reduction in the number of people passing the message will reduce the possibility of the message being distorted .
3 If the previous mispricing was positive ( the future was overpriced ) , then the change in the mispricing tended to be negative ( the overpricing declined ) , and vice versa .
4 The lights cross the bowl gradually , and out again , and then the dip in the road cuts them off .
5 If the borrower of bank A uses the overdraft to pay people who bank with banks B , C , etc. then the increase in the money supply appears in their deposits just as it did in the single bank case .
6 Then the man in the bed starts to snore .
7 Not guilty , did n't do it that 's why what gorilla man did sickened me ; no blood well hardly any blood literally a drop , a drip , a fucking pixel on the screen and the only thing slicing into flesh was a needle , tiny and delicate not a chainsaw or an axe or a knife or anything , but it 's that image that idea that old devil meme , I keep dreaming about it , keep having nightmares about it , and I 'm the trapped one , I 'm the man in the leather-and-chrome chair and he 's there with his gorilla face and his squeaky baby voice , explaining to the camera that what he has in this bottle and in this syringe is sperm ; the crazy fucker 's loaded it up with jism man looks like half a fucking milk bottle of the stuff and he 's going to inject it into the little guy 's veins and he ties something round the naked upper arm of the little guy strapped to the chair and pulls it tight and waits for the vein to show while the little guy howls and screams like a child and tries to shake the chair to bits or rip it apart but he 's too well strapped in there no purchase no leverage and then the man in the gorilla mask just does it ; sinks the needle into the little guy 's skin with a bit of blood and empties the whole syringe into him .
8 He remembered his father in his tweed overcoat in the Craw 's study , his father saying later how it had happened , and then the funeral in the rain .
9 Then the bomb in the satchel went off .
10 Then the silence in the Zoo became complete .
11 Then the father in the book had a fatal heart attack and she went white , putting it down , tears burning her eyes as the aircraft engines whined on and on , and the Oriental stewardesses moved gracefully around the cabin , collecting drinks and trays .
12 There is then no room in the instruction to specify both a jump address and the address of the location to be tested .
13 If he is asked to count the buttons on his shirt or see how many colours are in the pattern of his sweater , then a look in the mirror might help with this too .
14 Just another wartime control tower , readers may think , but fans of the famed 1940s bandleader Glenn Miller will know that it was from Twinwoods , Beds , that Miller , then a Major in the USAAF and in charge of the American Band of the AEF , departed in a UC–64 Norseman on December 15 , 1944 for Paris — never to be seen again .
15 He wants to go to university , turns up to listen to Einstein , studies hard ; but his father wo n't have it , and at the age of 14 he becomes a soap boy in a barber 's and then a presser in a garment shop .
16 His reply was to give her a sharp pull forward and then a shove in the back , which knocked her to her knees .
17 She sought oblivion , and one tablet a night quickly escalated to two , then three , then a couple in the morning , then four , until eventually she was taking them like sweeties .
18 But then a man in a suit heads for the cool cabinet and picks out two bottles of champagne .
19 Then a field in the micro-instruction could open a gate to insert this output as the least-significant bit of the next micro-instruction address .
20 If the CR observed in the original context depends on a summation of its own excitatory strength with that controlled by the context , then a decline in the vigour of the CR is to be expected in a test context lacking excitatory strength .
21 This use involves then a shift in the way knowing is conceived , from the static , resultative sort of knowledge evoked by I knew it to be untrue to an operative view of knowing as " directly experiencing " something .
22 His parents were from Dukinfield , which was then a hamlet in the parish of St. Mary , Stockport , where they were buried .
23 The idea was a pleasant trip through beautiful countryside , talking the while about railways and in particular this line , then an hour in the pub or a walk round Llandrindod , and then the return trip .
24 Another mental game which some people find effective is to try to think of a boy or girl 's name for every letter of the alphabet , then an animal for every letter , and then an item in the kitchen , etc .
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