Example sentences of "then [verb] my [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I left the broch and walked uphill as far as I could without disturbing the bird colony , then made my way towards the southern end of the island , where the land sloped gradually down to the sea in long , flat terraces of rock .
2 searched the bathroom and then made my way to the door , the exit door .
3 I sat outside beneath the upturned colander of the night sky until Dennis 's snores had settled into a consistent rhythm , then made my way inside the house and across the living area to the door behind which Karen lay naked .
4 I went upstairs , had a wash then took my place at the dining table .
5 I joined the leaders at the half-way mark and then powered my way to the front , crossing the line , half a metre up , in 10.15 seconds , a new Championship record .
6 I answered it , then put my head round the kitchen door .
7 I then put my hand on the throttles and said : " This reduces the power . "
8 If you want to know what I 'm like , wait until we 're in a tunnel , and then study my reflection in the window . ’
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