Example sentences of "then [verb] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The object is then heated to drive off the mercury ( which boils at 357°C ) .
2 A compromise was eventually negotiated in which the space to the west of the building , originally planned as a garden , was devoted instead to a car park and to compensate for this loss of amenity , the Historic Buildings Council then agreed to pay for the provision of the jetty and roof garden .
3 The vendor would then need to recover against the purchaser pursuant to provisions , including indemnities , incorporated in the standard sale agreement .
4 In such circumstances the purchaser will then need to rely upon the terms of the sale agreement to recover from the vendor .
5 These workers have emphasised that the initial lesion in this model of atherogenesis is the adherence to endothelium of monocytes which then appear to migrate into the subendothelium , accumulate lipid and become lipid-laden macrophages or foam cells .
6 She pushed back her hair where it had slipped from the bandanna , then tried to shrug off the tension with a sigh .
7 The committee then adjourned to meet at the Blenheim coffee house , New Bond Street , on 1 2 January 1 79 1 .
8 Beryl chatted with one or two of the bystanders then lingered to look at the cards on the wreaths and this annoyed Francis .
9 The glass moved more smoothly , more quickly , then came to rest at the figure zero .
10 She turned , then seemed to disappear behind the waterfall .
11 Lewis 's theory of convention is then applied to account for the acquisition of conventional meaning by certain action ( or utterance ) types in the developing linguistic life of the group .
12 Medau teachers support and direct their classes in much the same way as a conductor does an orchestra — first they perform the movement to feel the accent , shape and dynamics , then begin to communicate with the class through voice , before developing the rhythmic possibilities with claps , clicks , drumbeats , other percussive sounds , improvised piano music or recorded music .
13 My intention is to let the barbel in all areas know that there is free feed about in the hope that they will then begin to search for the source .
14 He stared at the house for a long moment , then turned to lean on the gate and gaze down the hillside .
15 Ratagan belched , raised his mug to the other customers , then turned to lean on the bar again .
16 Bicker stared at Finnan for a long moment , then turned to take in the rest of the company .
17 He stopped in his tracks , scanned the window opposite for some minutes , then turned to walk into the building much more slowly and thoughtfully than before .
18 McIllvanney said angrily , then turned to look at the yard where a silver-grey stretch limo , its windows tinted black against the sun , rolled ponderously to park beside the stairs to his office .
19 She stretched with remembered delight , then turned to look at the man lying so quietly next to her .
20 that you 've then got to deal with the extent to which you 've used the ninety four , five , against the five , six one .
21 Candidates include : the inability or unwillingness of the Federal Reserve to stem the banking panic and maintain the money supply ; the failure to use fiscal policy intelligently ( up to and including Franklin Roosevelt 's New Deal after 1933 ) ; the uses and abuses of the gold standard ( Britain deciding to go back on the gold standard in 1925 at the pre-1914 parity , then deciding to come off the standard altogether in 1931 ; the refusal of many countries , especially America , to follow gold-standard rules ) ; the outbreak of trade war sparked by America 's Smoot-Hawley tariffs in 1930 ; and so on .
22 Having subdued the Fatimids and re-established his authority in Antioch , Basil then returned to deal with the challenge in the Balkans .
23 Ferrasse , rightly , explained that the former coach has already been punished for his misdemeanour , and he then threatened to resign from the Board unless the Dubroca issue was allowed to rest .
24 Debbie disappeared just the same and then rang to ask for the money .
25 The V bomb , V bombers and the doodlebugs and er when he came home it was nineteen forty six I think or seven er , my fath er my mother had died and my father wanted to get away from the place we were in and we said oh well go ahead you know , we 'll easily get somewhere and of course we did n't and they put us in a Nissan hut , which we made absolutely beautiful , we did all sorts of things to it and had a lovely garden all around it and the people from the Council use to come around and say to us oh well you do n't need to be rehoused because you 've made this so very nice you see , anyway I then started to work for the Corporation and then there was the possibility of course
26 He dabbled in the long jump until the age of twenty-four and then decided to switch to the sprints .
27 One dog may then try to get between the herd and the straggler , and try to drive it towards the rest of the pack .
28 Charlie could sue the employer for his injury and the employer would then have to recover from the manufacturer/supplier of the goggles .
29 You will then have to return to the design and make these changes .
30 We may make an easy start with the short circuit and a bit more , but do we not then have to include in the circumstance the absence of a burst in a water pipe at the right moment ?
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