Example sentences of "two [noun pl] [vb base] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By insisting that the two groups have the same distribution of some extraneous variable(s) we may be introducing unreal constraints , e.g. smokers and non-smokers do not have the same age distribution in the population .
2 So the two investments generate the same return if both PPP and the international Fisher effect hold , in which case exchange rate risk is unimportant .
3 The two pictures show the same flow at different instants , at which respectively an ‘ eruption ’ and an ‘ inrush ’ were occurring .
4 This occurs when two words have the same vowel sounds in conjunction with different consonantal sounds : A stitch in time saves nine .
5 It is sometimes easier to hear that two words have the same pattern .
6 For this reason no two organisations have the same structure .
7 No two observers see the same sequence of behaviour in quite the same way .
8 The two versions use the same screen formats and keystroke commands , and access the same data files so that changing from the DOS to the Windows version requires no file conversion and no operator retraining .
9 ( 1.3 ) unc If two booleans guard the same process , they can be amalgamated .
10 Now version 1.2 introduces Mode 3 or ‘ loosely coupled multiprocessing ’ where the two machines support the same users and co-operatively run the same applications .
11 Those two questions have the same answer .
12 In other words , we can make two pointers reference the same variable , or we can test whether or not two pointers point to the same variable .
13 no two files have the same module name .
14 The opportunity to create a zero-investment , perfect hedge is shown by the two disequilibrium returns X and Y. The two securities have the same risk ; i.e. the same level of sensitivity to factor f 1 and equilibrium should lie on the APL at point Z. The return on security X is higher than that of Z implying that X is underpriced and Y is overpriced .
15 It 's exclusive — no two patients have the same plan .
16 The two modes have the same symmetries as the two derived from the internally symmetric PH 3 stretches , but they involve quite different types of motion .
17 If two assets have the same risk but one of them has a lower return than the other , then it is sold and the proceeds are invested in the other .
18 Interestingly there is inevitably more coherence in the primary child 's day because one or two adults experience the same things — indeed they are the conductors of the total experience which is planned for a day in detail within the week and the year .
19 Although these two expressions have the same referent ( they both refer to the same celestial object , Venus ) , they differ in sense , as the evening star means " the star which appears in the evening " , and the morning star means " the star which appears in the morning " .
20 That there is this mutual entailment with respect to the two members of each pair is , or is intimately connected with , the proposition that the two conditionals state the same fact of connection between two things in the world .
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