Example sentences of "could not [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes adults , inexperienced and suspicious of drama , could not cope with a vague suggestion that the second partner should be in role as a friend , colleague or relative .
2 However , they could not decide on a fair price , partly because Patino had grown increasingly attached to the painting , and so they finally decided to go to auction to resolve the issue .
3 Nutty could not think of a good answer and nor could Mr Sylvester , so Nails was allowed to come .
4 On the way home , she found that she wanted to cry again and could not think of a possible reason why she should .
5 It seemed a rather broad question , and one for which Lord John could not think of a specific answer .
6 He admired a point which Stead had made about Polynesians and Christianity , but worried that he could not think of a Christian anthropologist .
7 He could not think of a single convincing excuse that would get him out of the house .
8 Isabel could not think of a single thing to say .
9 I could not think of a single thing that Quigley had ever done for me .
10 The Gallup survey , commissioned by the Daily Telegraph , also found that more than a third could not think of a single thing about Britain of which to be proud .
11 Some builders , as we have seen , working later than Cristofori , put in their actions something resembling a check but which could not function as a true check .
12 Nevertheless what was being demonstrated in the course of 1945 was that — whatever the feelings of affinity that might exist between Britain and the United States — a substantial relationship could not endure without a strong sense of common interests and above all a sense of exposure to common dangers .
13 If they knew for certain that a vote of censure could not result in a general election , but would simply bring about a reshuffle in the Government , their conduct would become more robust .
14 His legs were thin and weak , and he could not walk in a straight line .
15 Two members of the Wigtown council could not vote in a parliamentary election without voiding the election , for the Earl of Galloway and his eldest son Lord Garlies were both members .
16 Apart from making fun of Li Peng , the main message of the posters was that reform could not succeed without a sound education system , a view widely supported among intellectuals , especially those in the Democratic Alliance .
17 Although the syntactic filter could no doubt be improved , it probably could not compensate for a 20,000 word lexicon and/or poorer acoustic-phonetic discrimination .
18 Owing to the provisions of the Trade Disputes Act 1906 C could not rely upon a simple conspiracy to injure but in the House of Lords it was held that he was entitled to succeed on the ground of intimidation .
19 The suggestion at the time that the Labour Party had been behind Profumo 's downfall was a little unfair to many members who repeatedly expressed their misgivings about the scandalous imputations , which several of them could not regard as a proper currency for a political difference .
20 Third , there is the growing recognition that Labour could not carry through a radical programme of change without mass support .
21 What criteria would police and immigration officials use in their search for ‘ potential terrorists ’ on a train that they could not use at a static checkpoint or airport ?
22 In fact , it appears to have been due less to a plot than to a calculation that she could not win in a second ballot .
23 Stamp J held in the High Court that Part XV could not impute to a foreign resident for the purposes of the income tax legislation income which would not be taxable in his hands under the UK income tax legislation .
24 You could not ask for a better curtain-raiser to the day 's racing .
25 It is time that your creative talents were developed alongside individuals who are of like mind and outlook , and you could not wish for a better planetary set-up to further your aims and ambitions : the past few years have taught you all you need to know about self-survival .
26 As long ago as 1915 Scott published the first research on interviews showing that 6 personnel managers could not agree about a common set of applicants , a finding that has been replicated innumerable times and will be reflected in the personal experience of most interviewers .
27 The meeting had been convened at the initiative of Yugoslavia as current chairman of the NAM , and the Yugoslav Foreign Minister Budimir Loncar said at a press conference afterwards that " the foreign ministers could not agree on a joint statement , but opted instead for a plan of action to prevent the war 's escalation … starting with the rapid deployment of a mission of three to four ministers to Baghdad within a few days " .
28 But Speywood 's position as a fully-equal partner in this venture is now at risk , because Heath , and his company 's backers could not agree on a long-term strategy for the company .
29 After last month 's stormy meeting in Luxembourg , when EC member nations could not agree on a common approach to takeover regulation and supervision , John Redwood , the new junior minister at the DTI , will propose a compromise when the ministers gather tomorrow .
30 It was symbolic , perhaps , of the deep-rooted nature of national instincts that the ECSC could not agree upon a single language in which to conduct its activities .
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