Example sentences of "could not [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Edmonds said all companies would have to pay the same base rate so they could not complain of unfair competition .
2 A DEPRESSED mum has vanished with her three mischievous sons after saying she could not cope with long school holidays and mounting debts .
3 The revolutionaries tended to be drawn from those who could not cope with normal life , with a regular profession , with human relationships .
4 British Rail had introduced new safety measures over the last few months , but they could not legislate against criminal vandalism
5 I could not sleep for sheer fatigue .
6 Waterwheels could not function at low water , so adjustable wheels were made .
7 Grunwald argued that since the foundation of the sociology of knowledge was ‘ axiological ’ rather than a science with an epistemology , it could not engage in empirical research .
8 In the face of unprecedented levels of unemployment , the unemployed themselves were pressing demands on the West Ham Board of Guardians for adequate levels of relief — demands that the guardians could not meet without heavy borrowing from the government .
9 Scott could not succeed without outside finance , and soon this was supplied by David Astor , then editor of the London Observer , who put up half the money for a new venture , the Central African Mail , which began publishing in 1960 .
10 He added that the world could not rely on American growth to pull it out of recession , and suggested that Europe should lower interest rates .
11 With Gwendolen certain to change her vote , and as he could not rely on foolish Angelina to change hers , the situation was dangerous in the extreme .
12 The high level of research interest and activity to be found in the Faculty could not exist without excellent research facilities .
13 So , although a rich source of status and prestige , athletics could not compare with professional sport in terms of material gain .
14 This could not happen in spoken language interpreting since the buffer would have two spoken codes vying for one output .
15 Hitler 's instruction to curb anti-Polish activity meant that what they could not accomplish by open violence or legalistic chicanery they would have to accomplish by stealth and skulduggery .
16 Mr Anderson told the tribunal he could not apply for bad debt relief until 12 months after the debt had arisen while Customs had penalised him for paying the VAT ‘ a mere 16 days late . ’
17 What we could not take by political intrigue and threats we took by ‘ gun-boat diplomacy ’ .
18 When he read stories about Balder , Adonis and Bacchus , he was prepared to ‘ feel the myth as profound and suggestive of meanings beyond my grasp even tho ’ I could not say in cold prose ‘ what it meant ’ .
19 Of course , it could not come without national repentance and renewal on a grand scale .
20 The Kiltex mill in Dar es salaam closed temporarily due to lack of water and shortage of spare parts , while the Arusha Mill could not operate to full capacity because polyester yarn could not be imported in sufficient quantities .
21 These findings of fact were given remarkably short shrift by Lord Parker C.J. who held that the conduct could not amount to insulting behaviour .
22 While the state could not develop without female labour ( at one time , as a result of Stalin 's purges and World War II , there were 40% more women than men in the working population ) , equally , it could not afford to replace the role of the wife and mother in the home .
23 It is an example of construction : the liberality lies in finding a legal framework for an intention which could not work at civil law : that any acquirer of the money should be liable under the trust .
24 Grandparents could not count on natural loyalty : rather ; they had to positively create their roles by winning a child 's affection .
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