Example sentences of "could be [vb pp] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From this nucleus , royal territory was in the future to expand to the point at which , in 1239 , the whole county could be annexed to the royal demesne .
2 By 1983 these services accounted for almost £I billion of the annual budget and any savings made there could be transferred to the main activity of treating patients .
3 This was reinforced by the tendency of national governments not to handle unpopular decisions if they could be transferred to the High Authority for action .
4 Richard was immediately content , as he only was when something could be ascertained to the nearest degree of accuracy .
5 As long as matter was considered to be inert , its motion could be ascribed to the divine will .
6 Freud thought it was difficult to see how communism could be generalized to the whole world , unless national rivalries could cope with aggression without full-scale wars .
7 This concept could be applied to the machine-readable database in very literal ways .
8 This principle could be applied to the current script recognition system to make best use of all available information .
9 Soviet leaders have not accepted that the essence of the Brezhnev initiative for the Gulf could be applied to the different strategic and military environment in which Afghanistan lies .
10 It was uncertain whether the methods developed to survey fossiliferous sediments could be applied to the deformed crystalline rocks which underlie so much of Scotland .
11 So sensitive was the occasion , approval had to be given by none other than the Cabinet Secretary and the Permanent Secretary to the Treasury before Mr Hibbert could be exposed to the harsh winds of public controversy .
12 Payment could be made to the monarch himself or it could be made to the current holder of the office .
13 While there are some aspects of the redraft where it might be argued that the law has not been accurately expressed , there is no doubt that both its language and typography suggest that there are considerable improvements which could be made to the present drafting and printing of statutes in the UK .
14 Apparently modifying her stance of late 1989 , when she had warned against any over-hasty German reunification , Thatcher now took a less negative line , and on March 29 she appeared to concede for the first time that changes in Eastern Europe meant that " some reductions " could be made to the British Army of the Rhine in West Germany .
15 With an emphasis on design and economy the Ministry advised on the density of residential areas , showing how schemes of varying densities could be fitted to the same unit area of land .
16 The MP had asked him whether the inquiry under the Assistant Chief Constable of West Yorkshire could be extended to the four members of the Serious Crimes Squad who were involved in preparing the case of the Birmingham pub bombing in 1974 .
17 To alleviate industry 's problems , the provision for small amounts of halons to be retained ‘ for essential uses ’ could be retained ‘ for essential uses ’ could be extended to the other products , Trippier suggested .
18 Now it seemed as if this ‘ law of parallelism ’ could be extended to the whole history of life on earth .
19 We are attracted to the idea that rights of access could be extended to the unenclosed uplands of Wales .
20 The first machines that could be connected to the public telephone networks were introduced in the 1950s , and at this point today 's enthusiasm for fax might have been expected to appear .
21 If however the topic relates to a more limited area , documents could be sent to the relevant branch libraries ( see Appendix ) and to the District Library HQ .
22 The encrusted surfaces of Oulton 's canvases could be compared to the thick layering and tortured reworking of paint in the art of Kossoff or Auerbach , whose paintings evoke a continuous grappling with doubt , like the late works of Titian or Rembrandt .
23 Even if the historical argument were sound , an objection could be raised to the critical method : silences are sometimes extremely difficult to interpret .
24 There were also jointed clay pipes , each one a tapering tube with lugs on its sides so that it could be tied to the next .
25 If the modern educational system was administered by a Dickensian Squeers constantly flagellating discalced pupils , theory could be neatly shelved and a pragmatic response could be given to the perceived problem .
26 But there were differences as to how best the opportunity could be given to the young people .
27 In 1969 the calendar was revised so that greater emphasis could be given to the major festivals of the Christian year .
28 He listened to the few men who had survived for more than a few weeks and talked of ‘ Blighty ’ and prayed only for a ‘ cushy wound ’ so they could be moved to the nearest hospital tent and , if they were among the lucky ones , eventually be sent home to England .
29 The third group of witches could be likened to the Daily Telegraph end of the spectrum .
30 They could be likened to the dynamic force of a volcanic eruption .
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