Example sentences of "could be [vb pp] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , that agenda did have the advantage that it could be developed on an evolutionary basis , and that further innovations could be incorporated without major upheaval .
2 There are areas , however , where forestry could be developed on an integrated basis with agriculture .
3 They were alarmed that the continuing growth in the number of foreign tourists could be jeopardised by an isolated serious incident .
4 Some commentators suggest that the power deters supporters from rebellion since they would be reluctant to create a situation in which they could be faced with an arduous election campaign that could jeopardise their seats .
5 And a civil servant giving evidence about ‘ conduct ’ could be placed in an unfair position .
6 The auditor must examine whether resources could be put to alternative uses , whether objectives could be achieved by an alternative strategy and ( if practicable ) compare the operations of one particular department with another .
7 Thus unacceptable strings could be rejected at an earlier stage , leaving fewer for the lexical look-up to check .
8 Jacey ( London ) Ltd and Others ( 1975 ) , demonstrated clearly that showing a film on licensed premises could be indicted as an indecent public exhibition .
9 It took very little ingenuity to transform an ordinary bone conductor type of National Health hearing-aid and to attach a metal ring to the receiver so that it could be worn like an ordinary ring .
10 It assumed that models of rehabilitation valuing people through work , which had been established at such hospitals at Netherne , could be applied for an indefinite period with all patients being potential benefactors .
11 Two large storage annexes for housing the collections were added by 1931 thus releasing space so that the library could be arranged in an orderly fashion .
12 After reviewing the ecological model and resource management Chorley ( 1973 , p. 167 ) concluded that the control system ( p. 146 ) could be adopted as an appropriate focus and that this would clearly incorporate human activity and focus upon links between human and physical environment and that :
13 Section 33 of the Taxes Management Act 1970 , even if it applies to composite rate tax , is not applicable for a number of reasons , not least that no valid assessment could be made under an invalid regulation , that no assessment was in fact made and that , even if made , the assessment could not on the facts of the present case have been said to be ‘ excessive by reason of some error or mistake in a return : ’ section 33(1) .
14 As it turned out , the wide spread of professional competence present in the workshop made questions as to where individual expertise had been acquired recede in importance compared to the real advances in thinking which could be made through an immediate exchange of ideas .
15 The police required a portable system that could be implemented on an IBM-compatible microcomputer .
16 The Code of Practice on Stop and Search , Annex B , explains this as being a fairly strong suspicion with a concrete base that could be evaluated by an objective third person .
17 On her second day Madame Mattli took her to Vidal Sassoon 's salon in Grosvenor House so that her hair could be cut in an up-to-the-minute style .
18 However , parameters for them for individual writers could be extracted from an initial training phase for a script recognition system .
19 Alternatively , the cost of the development work could be charged to an offshore company on a cost plus basis .
20 When engineering was first introduced into universities in a large way , then the departments bent over backwards to try to show that engineering could be taught as an academic subject .
21 Richards recognises that , saying : ‘ This could be seen as an unsettling tactic and I 've asked Trevor Francis to take David Hirst on one side and put him fully in the picture .
22 Yet Pearson specifically rejected this interpretation by arguing that , in the context of the insecure industrial history of Accrington , such behaviour could be seen as an understandable response although not , of course , one to be approved of .
23 In many respects the whole General Strike could be seen as an inevitable development which served notice to government , employers and trade unions that each party was not to be taken lightly .
24 It can be seen that a long list of students ( or any other units ) could be used for a random sample by this means simply by numbering from beginning to end , and this could be done with an automatic increasing numbering stamp .
25 Transferred from goat to human being , the eyelid could be tied to an erect penis before intercourse in order to provide the woman with a stimulating tickling sensation .
26 Share capital could continue in being as a financial instrument tradeable in an exchange and offering a return which could be tied by an agreed formula with profitability or other measures of performance .
27 The long-term plans could be revised on an informal basis by the chief executive of the organisation , using intuition and experience to know when the outlook for the organisation has changed sufficiently to require him or her to update the plans .
28 One of them — Dr. John Miles from the civil engineering department of the University college Cardiff — stated that there was a danger that parts of low-lying Cardiff could be turned into an urban slum .
29 Brezhnev 's proposal could be viewed as an East-West non-aggression pact for the region in the form of a partial neutralisation and demilitarisation of the Gulf , which would also indirectly guarantee the Gulfs oil links with the West .
30 Variation was entirely random , and each population evolved in response to purely local environmental pressures , which could be altered in an unpredictable way by migration or geological changes .
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