Example sentences of "could be [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , only fishing vessels fulfilling the conditions laid down in section 14 of the Act of 1988 could be registered in the new register .
2 Research in health outcomes is in its infancy in primary care , but there is an emerging consensus that measures could be developed for the common chronic diseases of asthma , diabetes , and hypertension .
3 A framework for justifying such transformations in the power structure of the company could be developed from the available set of legal ideas .
4 There was A1 , in at the birth pangs of the British weapon , where the plutonium was heated in the furnaces so that it could be shaped into the melon-sized spheres for the inner workings of the warheads , and it was no secret amongst the Establishment staff that a dozen years earlier cancers had been rampant amongst the technicians .
5 There were new arts by now , shared dreams that could be shaped by the skilled .
6 Adequate warning was required as to when courses were to take place so that farm work could be planned around the appointed date .
7 Through astrology one could be forewarned of the exact time of his coming .
8 From this nucleus , royal territory was in the future to expand to the point at which , in 1239 , the whole county could be annexed to the royal demesne .
9 It had been the great achievement of the geologists to explain how , given enough time , the operation of exactly the same forces visible today could explain the enormous variety of what could be observed on the inanimate earth , past and present .
10 The use of simulation allows the observation of many possible stream patterns , far more than could be observed in the real world .
11 By 1983 these services accounted for almost £I billion of the annual budget and any savings made there could be transferred to the main activity of treating patients .
12 This was reinforced by the tendency of national governments not to handle unpopular decisions if they could be transferred to the High Authority for action .
13 Danse Royale , a half-sister to the brilliant Salsabil , could be prepared for the Irish Oaks , Piggott reporting the filly will be more effective over middle distances .
14 A four-year training period was proposed , the first two years of which were to be spent at Bedford , where probationers could be prepared for the preliminary examination .
15 Once it was realized that dispositions could be salvaged by the mere addition of a trust clause , it is likely that the addition of one became a regular feature of testamentary practice .
16 When that will was vitiated either by the monarch 's evil counsellors or , as the later theoreticians of military indiscipline were to maintain , by the corrupt operation of Parliamentary institutions run by a clique of national ’ politicians , then it could be salvaged by the heroic gesture of a general or the conspiracy of an officers ' mess .
17 The one real consolation that could be salvaged from the whole sorry affair was that the system had worked in the end .
18 The British consul-general in Seoul , D. W. Kermode , informed London on 8 February that Rhee intended sending Byung Chic Limb on a ‘ goodwill visit ’ to Britain and that Rhee hoped Limb could be received at the Foreign Office .
19 Yet integration could be achieved from the special-school base if policy did not discourage the placement of deaf people in such educational settings .
20 But since only a limited amount could be achieved within the overloaded RHA capital programme , it was decided to select two for a closure programme within the strategic planning period ( 1983 to 1993 ) .
21 It was felt that if such unity could be achieved in the poorly organized wool textile trade then it was even more likely that it might be achieved in better organized industries .
22 Following the installation of a suspended ceiling of plasterboard and plaster skim coat below these joists , a headroom of 2.6m ( 8–1/2ft ) could be achieved in the new upper storey , the floor of which was formed from boards nailed to 50 x 150mm ( 2 x 6in ) joists at 400mm ( 16in ) centres .
23 The Six had reverted to Schuman 's view that political union could be achieved in the long run through a sustained effort at economic integration across a broad front .
24 Thanks to her acquired confidence in what could be achieved in the hypnotic state , Sylvia readily agreed .
25 Questions could be asked about the so-called Maidenhead factor , which relates to the apparently higher level of affluence of the population that is likely to be affected by a flood than elsewhere in the United Kingdom .
26 Those involved in private care should arrange among themselves how they could be represented in the local planning process because if they are going to be covered by the planning arrangements then natural justice suggests that they should have an input in to the planning process .
27 With horror and doubt on his face , the elder seizes a pitchfork and hurls it into the gangster 's back ’ It could be argued from the Kantian standpoint that the elder had failed in his duty by not upholding the sect 's fundamental principle of non-violence .
28 It will probably be directed against Bulgaria , but there is also the possibility of an attack upon the Dodecanese , if such an expedition could be undertaken with the small fleet that Turkey possesses .
29 TIPSS could be undertaken in the acute situation or soon after haemostatic injection sclerotherapy for the index bleed in patients with a high risk of rebleeding but this requires evaluation in controlled trials .
30 The creation of this new category could be undertaken by the level transfer and retraining of suitable Constabulary staff , with new staff being taken on as these transferred staff retire .
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