Example sentences of "could be [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , there could be no element of surprise , and although the rebel advance had been rapid until then , it had effectively been halted at the gates of Madrid .
2 On Monday , the managing director , Jacques Calvet , met the unions for the first time but said there could be no discussion of pay until production was resumed .
3 If there were no concept of femininity , there could be no concept of masculinity either .
4 The point that might be made in this connection is that without the particular there could be no way of understanding what might be meant by the ultimate .
5 Until Palestinians learnt to rely upon themselves and their own productivity , implying a withdrawal of both custom and labour from the Israeli sector , there could be no hope of liberation .
6 There must be equality of rights for all citizens regardless of nationality ; and there could be no excuse for discrimination against any of them , nor for ‘ extremist gatherings ’ which had terrorised local people who were not of the majority affiliation .
7 Without some " really good-faith affirmative action " on Israel 's part , he added , there could be no progress towards peace .
8 ( 2 ) That , although the scope of Code C of the Codes of Practice ( 1985 ed. ) extended beyond persons in detention , it was intended to protect suspects who were , or thought themselves to be , vulnerable to abuse or pressure from police officers , and applied where a suspect was being questioned about an offence by a police officer acting as such for the purpose of obtaining evidence ; that , since the appellants were not being questioned by police officers acting as such and conversation was on equal terms , there could be no question of pressure or intimidation by the officers as persons actually or believed to be in authority ; and that , accordingly , Code C did not apply in the circumstances and the judge 's approach could not be faulted ( post , p. 237C–E , H ) .
9 There could be no question of pressure or intimidation by Gary or Aggi as persons actually in authority or believed to be so .
10 Moreover there could be no termination of membership without the society 's permission .
11 However , since adoption of the proposals was voluntary and existing organisations could continue as before , ‘ there could be no objection in principle to them ’ .
12 The argument was put before the Court that since all the Member States were already parties to the 1950 Convention , there could be no need for action by the Community under Article 235 , since all the Member States would , by definition , already be applying the same rules .
13 Since the court had ordered interim custody in favour of the mother ( subject to access by the father pending the substantive hearing ) there could be no right of custody in any person or body other than the mother .
14 Simple requests for such increases were the least of the shipowners ' concerns , while on shipboard conditions there could be no cause for complaint because of the " army of government officials who were there to keep them up to the mark " .
15 There could be no hint of criticism on the part of the court if she felt she wanted nothing more to do with it .
16 They claimed that as she and her mother were one entity , there could be no duty of care owed by the mother to herself .
17 The requirement effect on trade which member states of jurisdiction requirement , it is jurisdictionable because it is the first task that the commissioner of the court should undertake when considering quote from wind surfing get in constant and the concept and agreement which may effect trade is intended to define in the law governing cartels the boundary between the areas , respectively covered by community law and national law , it is not necessary law for the competition effected by the alleged restriction and the trade which is effected between members of states to be the same , an example in the defendants list of authorities it 's in the principal and in that case the restriction of competition arose in relation to a product possible spirits which was itself used to manufacture other products namely cognac , it was argued that the that since there was no trade between members of state and possible spirits there could be no effect upon trade between member of states and so twenty five could not apply , the court accepted that factual premise , there is no trade between member of state and import of spirits , but rejected the legal conclusion , they concluded that is was necessary for there to be an effect upon trade in the market where the restrictions occurred , they was trading another product which was related to possible spirits , and of course stated , it must be observed in that respect that any agreement who 's object to effect is to a strict competition by fixing minimum prices for an intermediate product is capable of effecting intro community trade , even if there is no trading in that intermediate product between members of state , that the product constitutes the raw material of another project marketing elsewhere
18 First is evidence relating to morphology of the environment , and a portion of a river terrace could be a fragment of evidence through the window of a much more extensive valley floor in the past .
19 They ca n't be sold but they could be a kind of gift ?
20 Like — I know these girls who sleep with their boyfriends to get taken out , and I know that my body could be a kind of power as well , I could get what I want with it .
21 Like this he could be a sack of rubbish .
22 By 1920 , there could be a pause for breath , an attempt to remember what the meaning of the revolution was supposed to be .
23 What looks like a nice smooth field to you could be a field of barley or hay .
24 It could be a vision of service excellence , of a new product range , of superbly harmonious employee relations , of exceptionally high-quality — standards .
25 Educators might argue , as did Alexander Graham Bell , that although sign language could be a vehicle for thought it was not the ‘ right ’ vehicle , nor did it produce the ‘ right thoughts ’ .
26 ‘ This could be a day of destiny for Helmut Kohl , ’ wrote the popular Bild newspaper before the results were known .
27 These men were , largely , in a class apart , for even the English knight could be a man of importance in the county society in which he mixed .
28 So by morning there could be a dusting of snow in many places and also some icy patches on the roads .
29 There could be a rise in GNP per head without the poor being any better off than before ( Streeten , 1981 ) .
30 The net result could be a rise in sea levels by just a few millimetres .
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