Example sentences of "could be [verb] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Through astrology one could be forewarned of the exact time of his coming .
2 The principles of electromagnetism had been established by the late eighteenth century , but it was not until the mid-nineteenth century that any sort of measurements could be made of the small currents produced by living tissue .
3 Jangling her keys more like a jailer than an attendant , she went to gaze out of a narrow window at what could be seen of the prosperous modern city , returning to peer over my shoulder and sniff .
4 The same could be said of the recent Starfield and Chandler ranges , both of which we have looked at lately , and if this steering away from routine duplication is indeed a new trend , then it 's one which I applaud wholeheartedly .
5 We were much pressed in argument with submissions that , although fraudulent conduct has become a serious social evil , there are other evils just as grave , or even graver , which have not attracted any special powers ; that if the reason for giving exceptional powers to the Serious Fraud Office is that many frauds involve complicated transactions which are difficult to unravel , then the same could be said of the long and complex trials ( for instance , arising from charges of affray , or of the importation and supply of prohibited drugs ) to which no such powers have been applied ; and that , moreover , the powers of the Office are made available even where the transactions in question are not complicated , since the Act applies to ‘ serious or complex fraud ’ — not ‘ serious and complex fraud . ’
6 The same could be said of the Shakespearean or Homeric frame .
7 If the same could be said of the English army ( with this difference , that the nobility was totally committed to Henry V , who had complete control over it ) matters were to change under the rule of the duke of Bedford , acting in the name of the young Henry VI .
8 These are just two of the many examples which could be quoted of the controlling and interacting forces at work in nature and of the subtle interlinking with occurs throughout the natural world and which maintains the state of order on this planet .
9 In these awards there are elements of Buggins 's Turn and resurrection , but what else could be expected of the merry band of superannuated politicians commanded to commend the necessary artists ?
10 By concentrating on pebbles carried down from alpine sources in the beds of rivers and streams , full advantage could be taken of the erosive power of water in wearing away adhering rock and concentrating the sought after greenstone .
11 Erm , nor I think are there any proposals to change the grading or pay honorarium to P As to reflect there work on these files , er , I 'm not sure whether the assumption that this would n't be taken into account by the W R is sound , because I think one of the principles that I recall was that he were meant to ensure that that each of these job evaluation panels had somebody from each office so that an account could be taken of the different practices , I mean I 'm sure that , I 'm sure that each of the three offices in the er deal with things in a different way , so that er what gets done by one person here is not necessarily done by people in Coventry and York , and that in fa in London , and that also holds good in the other way , I think .
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