Example sentences of "could [be] [vb pp] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing nakedly visible , indeed not even a faltering step could be discerned during this event but the imprint was there , the unsettling moment had begun .
2 We estimate that approximately 30 of our units could be developed in this way .
3 For the import of the " new " sense of design which I have hypothesised could be developed from these sketches is its interaction with social forces — literally its forming of them .
4 The SE would be a hybrid ( and to this extent some of the original purpose of the SE has been lost ) ; it would be incorporated in a particular Member State , whose domestic laws would govern certain aspects of its operations ( e.g. insolvency ) , but its registered office could be transferred to another Member State .
5 Because almost all general locations round York could be could be fulfilled by that criterion .
6 Now in a language of potentially unlimited generative capacity , I fail to see how this could be achieved for all expressions across all patterns of combination in the first way described above .
7 By having the firms with low marginal reduction costs contract further and firms with high marginal reduction costs contract less , the same total reduction in pollution could be achieved at less cost .
8 Disbelief that closures could be achieved within these constraints was never to be wholly suspended and in important ways served to hamper the subsequent implementation process .
9 Written resolutions can not be used to remove directors and auditors , but the s 382B procedure would seem to be available , so that removal of a non-member director or the auditor without a meeting or without director or auditor representation could be achieved in that way .
10 Before percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology was attempted many groups had shown that a tissue diagnosis could be achieved in some patients with obstructive jaundice caused by malignancy by detecting neoplastic cells in duodenal aspiration .
11 Within this region , as Professor Hoskins suggested , there are various names and alignments which raise questions in the mind of any landscape historian , questions which could be asked of any part of England .
12 It was argued that a solicitor affected by this could be represented by another solicitor after exchange of contract , so that that other solicitor could give the report on title to the lender and receive the mortgage advance .
13 Philosophically , it could be argued in any case that most or all words present analogous difficulties , and need to be put in scare quotes ( " the 'topic' of this 'essay' is the 'issue' of the 'author's ' 'intentions ' " , etc . ) .
14 Up to £700 could be invested in these certificates .
15 This meant that an individual book took longer to print than it might have done if all the workmen had concentrated on it alone ; but also that , by utilizing plant and labour less wastefully , all the books could be printed in less time altogether , and at less cost , than they would have been by serial production .
16 If , in a time of reduced employment opportunities , unemployed people rather than more traditional seasonal workers are filling a share of seasonal jobs , and if they develop a pattern of working in this fashion , they could be penalised by these regulations ( see Hansard , 4/2/87 ) .
17 Taxes on alcohol and tobacco could be justified on these grounds .
18 A tax on — smoke or water-polluting production processes , or a higher tax on leaded petrol or a congestion tax on vehicles in city centres , or a duty on heavy lorries that badly damage road foundations , could be justified in these terms .
19 Board secretary John Morris said : ‘ The Board 's main consideration was whether the title should remain on ice or whether this contest could be accepted for that championship .
20 If successful , such techniques could be applied across many countries rather than those few which possess occupational data .
21 The same policy could be applied to all areas of communication , such as between the CBI and the Government , which Mr Davies described as ‘ quite a tricky business ’ .
22 This is simply using your control of the machine and could be applied to any video material .
23 She always loathed naturalistic and realist writing , and locates in Raymond Carver a ‘ grey … glum … discontented acquiescence ’ that could be applied to any number of British anaemic depressives .
24 This experience , acquired in an age when the chemist was regarded as an expert only in a special field , turned Davis into a generalist and made him realize that the enormous variety of industrial chemical processes could be reduced to a relatively small number of operations , and that the study of these in the abstract would enable general principles to be discovered which could be applied to any process operation — the keystone of chemical engineering .
25 That was why , when you first asked me about this , I turned the whole question round and said ‘ You have to begin from the philosophical problem ’ , but indeed it could be applied in many places .
26 But indeed , it could be applied in many places .
27 The debate on directorship could be applied in this field too , but the appointment to the service of a national director who is not a microbiologist illustrates the innovativeness of the organisation .
28 All the TARDIS sections were integrated , like a jigsaw , and could be arranged in any number of abstract ways without the visual suggestion of the set being lost .
29 The collected information could then be examined to identify any actual problems being experienced with the AL and these could be arranged in some order of priority .
30 A similar result was reached by Lord Somervell who was of the opinion that fraud did not go to jurisdiction and could be challenged at any time .
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