Example sentences of "could [be] [verb] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because the range of possible adaptations was unlimited , the relationships could be represented as a branching tree-like pattern , with new branches being added whenever some totally new ( and unpredictable ) form of animal life was discovered .
2 Jacey ( London ) Ltd and Others ( 1975 ) , demonstrated clearly that showing a film on licensed premises could be indicted as an indecent public exhibition .
3 This leads Johnes to question whether raising academic standards for entry , in terms of A-level scores , could be justified as a satisfactory way of substantially reducing wastage rates , given the complex range of factors which are involved in predicting success in higher education , and that raising entry standards in this way would almost certainly bar students capable of obtaining a degree .
4 The Government insisted its policy was a straightforward ‘ no deals with terrorists ’ , but the idea that ‘ no deals ’ could be accepted as a comprehensive response appalled me .
5 At last , the dirty , happy , noisy child could be accepted as a good child .
6 A compromise was being hammered out in which the once-opposed concepts of design and transmutation would be synthesized so that the trends in the fossil record could be accepted as the gradual unfolding of a divine plan .
7 After reviewing the ecological model and resource management Chorley ( 1973 , p. 167 ) concluded that the control system ( p. 146 ) could be adopted as an appropriate focus and that this would clearly incorporate human activity and focus upon links between human and physical environment and that :
8 A philosophical conservative , he would have sympathized with the view of his father , a defender of natural theology , that the life of science could be understood as a sacred duty .
9 Women 's lesser aggressiveness , for instance , which could be understood as a positive characteristic , is generally associated with deficits in socially-valued traits like competitiveness and achievement motivation .
10 The concept of geographical provinces may have gained some currency because it could be understood as a biological equivalent of the nations of humanity — and the early nineteenth century was a period of strong nationalist feelings .
11 Now they were being offered as the basis for policy , a suitably tailored " native language " which could be understood as the only common cultural resource of the whole nation , and administered as such .
12 The former would be a seminar or course , while the latter could be serving as a local councillor .
13 When engineering was first introduced into universities in a large way , then the departments bent over backwards to try to show that engineering could be taught as an academic subject .
14 Arguably the process of centralization which has taken place could be presented as a necessary precursor to the decentralization of power which is desired .
15 Is could be seen as a classic example of the muddle that has been prevalent at the top of Welsh rugby except that the pressures here — unrecognisable from those in other home unions — are so many and varied that it is impossible to respond to them all , let alone resist them .
16 In theory , Dustin 's man of reason forced into bloody revenge could be seen as a therapeutic investigation into the nature of violence , making audiences consider their own potential for brutality .
17 His conduct of the crisis could be seen as a great achievement , yet something so negative and distasteful was not what he would have wished for his last service .
18 That history , from one perspective , could be seen as a consistent struggle to retain Lukács ' legacy in which history , the dialectic and the totality are interdependent to the extent that each is essential to the operation of the other in the production of a Marxist science .
19 Conscious , like his rivals , that he could be seen as a Southern carpet bagger , he makes much fuss of the Labour stalwarts .
20 Yesterday members of the authority 's development committee heard the North Road railway museum could be seen as a possible area for expansion .
21 Which could be seen as a good thing ; after all , in the eyes of sceptical guitarists the GR-1 could stand or fall on its immediate user-friendly appeal .
22 Critics of Fiat therefore argued that its bid could be seen as a defensive move to improve its domestic position and , perhaps more importantly , to prevent a competitor from obtaining Italian production facilities , which in the long run could pose a threat to Fiat .
23 Since then about ten new sites have been scheduled each week , and this could be seen as a deliberate blocking measure as it only takes place where the owner wants to do something with the site .
24 That could be seen as a minor complaint when the Forestry Commission 's marketing efforts in the past 20 years have attracted investment of more than £1 billion in wood processing .
25 This could be seen as a special kind of ‘ robustness ’ .
26 Alternatively , the Treaty of Versailles , as a major peace settlement concluded in the public interest for the stability of Europe and conferring authority upon the League , could be seen as a dispositive treaty binding erga omnes .
27 The history of each new class could be seen as a sudden explosion of development followed by a gradual decline , just like the rise and fall of human empires :
28 Honey 's work also presents difficulties for the viewer : on the surface it could be seen as a further exploitation of the female either as a child or a woman , but this would not do this work justice .
29 The focus of what could be seen as a heartfelt cry for commercial sanity to be restored to the sport centred upon one simple but now all-consuming issue — money !
30 Alternatively third party rights in this context could be seen as a particular application of general international law : that State practice of both the treaty States and third parties has been that the canals are open for international navigation , and that there is sufficient opinio juris ( demonstrated by protest to any closure ) to support the view that there is a customary international law of transit through each canal despite their treaty origins .
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