Example sentences of "could [be] [verb] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They also show that several very different types of scale could be borne by the same animal , including some complex scales immediately surrounding the gill openings .
2 There were new arts by now , shared dreams that could be shaped by the skilled .
3 Once it was realized that dispositions could be salvaged by the mere addition of a trust clause , it is likely that the addition of one became a regular feature of testamentary practice .
4 When that will was vitiated either by the monarch 's evil counsellors or , as the later theoreticians of military indiscipline were to maintain , by the corrupt operation of Parliamentary institutions run by a clique of national ’ politicians , then it could be salvaged by the heroic gesture of a general or the conspiracy of an officers ' mess .
5 The creation of this new category could be undertaken by the level transfer and retraining of suitable Constabulary staff , with new staff being taken on as these transferred staff retire .
6 Hong Kong 's partially elected Legislative Council passed on the same day a motion calling for amendments , particularly to increase provisions for democratic representation and to limit the circumstances in which emergency powers could be assumed by the Chinese authorities .
7 But he took a more optimistic view than Bagehot and believed that constitutionalism could be maintained by the British practice of ‘ democracy tempered by snobbishness ’ .
8 The counter is more likely than not to be manufactured by an enemy country , but it could be manufactured by the same country , even by the same company !
9 Later chapters will consider some of these issues as they could be affected by the Alternative Religion .
10 The effect , therefore , of only the first limb applying , ie before the change in the law bringing in the second limb , could be seen by the following example .
11 Even though the morning 's inclement weather prevented some aircraft from reaching Rendcomb , an interesting selection of display and visiting aircraft could be seen by the undaunted crown that turned up during the awful morning .
12 The thirteen children who developed schizophrenia could be characterised by the following factors : their birth had been relatively difficult ( longer and more complicated than average ) ; most of them had been separated from both parents and many placed in children 's homes at a young age ; they posed a disciplinary problem to their teachers ; and some years earlier they had had a rapid autonomic nervous system ( ANS ) recovery rate .
13 If the court finds that Mr Yeltsin 's declaration of presidential rule violated the constitution , he could be impeached by the full parliament , the Congress of People 's Deputies .
14 His family situation led him to the inescapable conclusion that the world was a hostile , alien environment in which was concealed the terrible presence of death , and in which the hopes , convictions and aspirations of men could be dashed by the unforeseeable and irreversible consequences of a malevolent destiny .
15 Finally , Gorbachev proposed the convention of a broad conference on the Mediterranean , similar to the CSCE , which could be attended by the Mediterranean states , ‘ the states adjoining the region ’ , the United States and ‘ other interested countries ’ .
16 Merge the funds and the deficit on the Mirror fund could be offset by the existing surplus , increasing the value of MGN by at least that amount at a stroke .
17 Thus , the reported previously and observed in our study gradual ‘ resistance ’ of acinar cells to stimulation after the onset of acute pancreatitis in various animal models could be explained by the dramatic decline in the blood perfusion and ischaemia of the pancreatic tissue as well as the mortality of the large population of acinar cells .
18 Coun Richmond believes the authority squandered the opportunity to create a shops development in part of the town centre which could be hit by the new Cornmill shopping complex .
19 Also we have shown that if energy conservation becomes a reality in Britain , £2 billion yearly nationwide could be saved by the domestic consumer , which would regenerate the local economies instead of heating the sky above our great cities and towns .
20 In the past the union could be supported by the communal solidarities of the village community ; now , with villages no longer consisting of a majority of farm workers and with more workers living in tied cottages isolated on farms , the village no longer fosters the collectivism which supports the union .
21 In Ridge v. Baldwin the House of Lords held that a chief constable , who had been acquitted on a criminal charge but criticized for lack of leadership by the judge , was entitled , under the common law rules of natural justice , to a hearing before he could be dismissed by the local authority who employed him .
22 She said local library and the local library could be run by the regional council , it could be run by the district council because although you work part-time you 've got to look at pension if you 've got other income er to use the revenue maximum .
23 But the estimates could be wrecked by the infinite number of remaining terms .
24 In an important early study , it was found that the induction of LTP could be blocked by the intracellular injection of the Ca 2+ chelator EGTA .
25 A proposal to hold such referendum could be submitted by either the Czech or the Slovak parliament , or by the Federal Assembly , but it could be vetoed by the federal President , Vaclav Havel .
26 We agree that there are problems where development proposals span the Mean Low Water Mark and we share the belief of many observers , including the Commons Environment Committee , that these problems could be overcome by the logical extension of planning powers beyond this mark .
27 It could be summarised by the feminist slogans , ‘ the personal is political ’ or ‘ the politics of experience ’ .
28 During his tours of the Middle and Far East Duncan Sandys was made well aware by British Governors , High Commissioners and Commanders-in-Chief of the political and military risks that he was taking ; and local political leaders , like the Tunku Abdul Rahman in Malaya and Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore , warned him of the dangers of creating power vacuums that could be exploited by the Communist powers .
29 National minimum wage , of which has said , the employment consequences would be little short of disastrous and the society backs estimates that up to eight hundred thousand jobs could be destroyed by the minimum wage and of the A E U described the minimum wage as nonsense and said he was flatly opposed to it 's introduction in the private sector .
30 Although there was a potential for conflict between the other two policy aims , full employment and the protection of sterling , they were sustained because any necessary adjustments could be absorbed by the overall growth of the economy .
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