Example sentences of "could [be] [verb] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from a concerted effort by its backers , which could be shaped at the end of year meeting , Goldstein says only catalytic events will otherwise drive the Architecture-Neutral Format to market .
2 Apart from a concerted effort by its backers , which could be shaped at the end of year meet , Goldstein says only catalytic events will otherwise drive ANDF to market .
3 As part of the drive to impose an appearance of order on the world , nineteenth-century science created a vast body of numerical information all carefully arranged so that geographical variations could be ascertained at a glance .
4 Assuming that the Phillips curve is stable over time ( that is , it does not shift its position from one time period to another ) , we-could say that a lower unemployment percentage could be achieved at the cost of a higher rate of inflation .
5 Similarly , a lower inflation rate could be achieved at the cost of an increase in the unemployment percentage .
6 A wider bandwidth could be achieved at the expense of a shorter delay time , but this would not give such a good reverberation effect .
7 Furthermore , if we take seriously Black 's claim that his specimen metaphor ‘ man is a wolf ’ serves at once to render man wolf-like and to humanize wolves , a reversible metaphor could be imagined at the level of a word , a sentence , or a discourse in which each term was engaged in a metaphoric interaction with one or a number of other terms , organizing them , structuring them and in turn being structured by them .
8 She wanted to say it was only a joke , about boiling oil , but they had arrived at a building with several steps leading up and told to get into single file so that their names could be checked at the door .
9 This version of a marketable discharge licence process employs a national airshed , but it could be applied at a state or local level and for other pollutants in the future .
10 Whitlock swung the Golf Corbio on to the sliproad , past the hoarding , and as he reached the crest of the first rise he saw the plant laid out before him , hemmed in behind ten-feet-high fencing crowned with layers of barbed wire , all of which he later discovered could be electrified at the flick of a switch .
11 Replacing ‘ bourgeois ’ relationships with new revolutionary patterns of consciousness meant virtually every aspect of existing life — sexual orientation and partners , domestic arrangements , employment — could be challenged at the whim of a therapist , with accommodation a condition of remaining in therapy .
12 We excluded 12 patients because no definite diagnosis of ulcerative colitis or Crohn 's disease could be made at the time of testing .
13 Here each unit would be taught separately from the others although links could be made at the end of the unit .
14 The assumption was that , with sufficient care , pupils could be selected at the age of eleven on the basis of a prediction of their success in pursuing an academic education .
15 The ‘ poverty lobby ’ sought to persuade the government that family allowances could be increased at the expense of child tax allowances .
16 But women always seemed to be in the majority and the proprietor and his wife , both of whom spoke excellent English and German , could be seen at every hour of the day advising parties of determined-looking women in sensible shoes how to get to St Peter 's or the Piazza Venezia or the English church , or which were the best shops to buy presents and souvenirs to take home .
17 Products were shown individually and in room settings with the complete new collection showcased on the right-hand pages so that all the designs and colours could be seen at a glance .
18 Heavy freight 2-8-0- No. 2857 , on loan from the Severn Valley Railway , hauled hourly services between Toddington and Gretton starting at 11am while 50 year old Bagnall 0–6–0 No. 2566 ‘ Byfield No. 2 ’ could be seen at the head of a goods train shunting from the yard to the bay siding at Toddington .
19 A budget of £7.17.10 in 1910 meant that only twenty-five babies per week could be seen at the clinic ; but the work continued , and expanded .
20 Today she happened to be wearing the dress of violet-coloured wool which was the last thing Miss Statham had made for her — drifts of its full skirt could be seen at the front of her grey squirrel coat .
21 It could be heard at the press of a button .
22 Coetzee checked to see that the pockets were empty so that nothing could be lost at the scene of the crime .
23 Cray Research Inc is expected to ship its first massively parallel processor , due in the second half of 1993 , in configurations with up to 1,024 Alpha processing nodes , hears Electronic News : indeed ‘ several thousand ’ processors could be supported at a customer 's request .
24 It could be resold at the market price less 10% selling expenses , or retained for use later in another new product to be manufactured by the company , by which time it is expected that the market price will have fallen by about 25% .
25 You could be looking at a minimum of one , two , three years ' salary , because you might be thinking well at least that 'll give me a chance to get on , to get back on my feet .
26 He could be looking at a device which at any moment could be activated by a radio-operated switch .
27 Regardless of the pit closure programme ta erm we 're in full flight erm at the end of the day we could be looking at a situation with four pits remaining in Nottinghamshire er and to that extent there 'll be up to four thousand miners still reliant on the services of , should er remain open .
28 A windfall or an inheritance is not out of the question , and we could be looking at the end of March , May or October-November for a material or financial boost .
29 A blacksmith whose work involved much sharpening of jumpers ( drill irons ) , could be paid at the rate of , say , so much per 20 dozen — otherwise at so much per day .
30 We have already mentioned that woodland could be located at a distance from the settlement , as only infrequent visits needed to be made .
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