Example sentences of "could [be] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Carried to their logical conclusion his theories meant that ( if he were right ) the attaque à outrance could be broken by a well-organised defence long before it reached the enemy .
2 By experimenting with the duration of incubation they found that fusion occurred after only a few hours , and that viable hybrids could be grown in a liquid culture medium containing glucose , monosodium glutamate , a mixture of vitamins , sodium chloride and extracts of Raphanus brassica ( common mustard ) .
3 These could be hung from a decorative pole , perhaps set well above and extending beyond the sides of the door , to enable the curtains to be drawn well back .
4 Chain , which was introduced in 1811 , could be stowed in a small damp locker and so it can almost be said that chain cleared the space needed below for engines and coal bunkers .
5 The dog had a metallic collar which could be traced by a hand-held detector , operated by the men on the surface .
6 Whilst we did consider that this site could be developed with a single storey dwelling without seriously affecting the amenities of the village , we were not aware of the strength of local feeling against any development on this site .
7 It was Pappus , one of the great mathematicians of Alexandria in the fourth century AD , who recognised that space could be filled by a moving point .
8 THE region could be faced with a large number of knock-on job losses if American Airlines pulls the plug on its loss-making Stansted to Chicago route .
9 If practices quit the health service many patients could be faced with a staggering increase in costs .
10 Obviously this idea has to be thought out in advance , and if your friend or family move during the winter then you could be faced with a big problem in trying to gather enough material to make an attractive and interesting picture .
11 Rather more serious , if you buy a new home before selling your existing one , you could be faced by a bridging loan problem , which with continuing high interest rates could soon eat into any profits you hope to realise on the exchange .
12 preferred to play safe and order bodies which could be transferred to a narrow gauge system if the standard gauge system for which they were ordered proved a failure .
13 Despite the storm clouds gathering over Europe in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy , Nizan remained confident that the international political situation could be regulated on a peaceful basis by marshalling Republican , democratic forces in a united front determined to halt the fascist advance .
14 But the most famous and prestigious pilgrimage of all was that to Jerusalem itself which could be conceived at a literal level as a journey to the centre of the earth .
15 While the new Bermuda tanks from Tahiti Aquariums could be filtered with a small foam filter , this undergravel system will do a neater job .
16 To study how bilateral trade could be placed on a new footing , a task force , headed by the Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade , Ricardo Cabrisas , and the Soviet Minister for External Economic Relations , Konstantin Katushev , was created .
17 The panel accepted the social work argument that if there was a high degree of Social Work input to the family home , and that if Jim could be placed in a new school for his remaining few months of statutory attendance , then this might be the most suitable response .
18 If the difficulties were restricted to one sector then the implications for future historical study could be placed within a restricted perspective , but this is not the case .
19 The Tories have more or less run out of good ideas which inspired them in the early Thatcher years , and are left only with a few bad ones : the creation of new , ever more incompetent ‘ private ’ monopolies ; the vindictive pursuit of aged war criminals ; the idiotic struggle to knock a penny off income tax , which will benefit nobody , when so much more could be achieved with a little imagination — by abolishing all discriminatory rates , abolishing capital transfer tax and other taxes on savings , allowing domestic wages ( as all other forms of employment are allowed ) against personal taxation …
20 What they contested was the presumption that moral reform could be achieved through a centralized programme of sanitary intervention which reinforced the sexual oppression of women .
21 Pak 's presence strengthened the argument for regarding the government as representing the whole of Korea and underlined the hopes that Korean unification could be achieved through a major rebellion in the south .
22 From this it was concluded that , although the principles of identifying systemic information links by this method appeared sound and it could be achieved to a limited extent by using the facilities of a flat-file database , it would not be cost-effective to pursue without access to more sophisticated technology .
23 This paper 's remarkable success in increasing sales between 1965 and 1969 not only showed what could be achieved by a powerful sales campaign ( which also brought in advertising at higher rates ) but also indicated that new purchasers of newspapers were not attracted to the party press , whose sales remained relatively stagnant .
24 In such a case the counter-restitution could be achieved by a financial adjustment based on the value of the shares .
25 Because the range of possible adaptations was unlimited , the relationships could be represented as a branching tree-like pattern , with new branches being added whenever some totally new ( and unpredictable ) form of animal life was discovered .
26 It was Galileo 's contemporary , Kepler , who contributed a major breakthrough in that direction when he discovered that each planetary orbit could be represented by a single ellipse , with the sun at one focus .
27 Indigestion could be quelled with a simple magnesia tablet , thousands of which she chewed in her lifetime .
28 What the Aplysia group needed was some process in their favoured animal which could be unequivocally recognized as long-term memory and whose circuitry could be studied in a similar manner to that they had so effectively employed with the short-term processes ; hence the attention paid in the early 1980s to finding an analogue of classical conditioning of the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex .
29 The court accepted that in certain circumstances information about prices could be invested with a sufficient degree of confidentiality to make that information a business secret or its equivalent but in the present case it found factors which led it to the conclusion that neither the information about the prices nor the sales information as a whole had the degree of confidentiality necessary to support the plaintiff 's claim .
30 Thus it has been suggested that a key difference between invertebrate and vertebrate brains is that in the former a great deal of power and responsibility could be invested in a single cell or even synapse which in the vertebrate nervous system would be more widely distributed .
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