Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some Wardens could supervise matters from the reasonable comfort of homes such as Ferniehirst outside Jedburgh ; but Hermitage castle , the ‘ Strength of Liddesdale ’ in the middle of inhospitable fells and mosses , was one of the most chill and sinister strongholds in all Scotland .
2 I could explain changes in the sovereign states as consequent upon the evolution and interaction of the world-system .
3 In this case , these were interpreted mainly as the high cost of land and premises , which could affect companies through the high housing and travel costs ( and therefore possibly wages ) for their workers ( pp. 74–8 ) , and the relative congestion and age of building in cities .
4 He had been wondering if the man suspected , wondering how he could prepare Rim for the final crushing rev elation .
5 Companies responsible for its prospects have gone out of business seven times , discovering that while they could make money on the big promotions , the building and park were too expensive to run on a tickover basis ( nowadays the park alone costs £650,000 a year to maintain ) , and in an earlier era of six-day working weeks , the public had not much leisure time to spend there anyway .
6 New drug delivery systems could make use of the interactive facility of the ocular glycoproteins and the corneal surface to prolong the retention of , and thereby the bioavailability of , drugs .
7 Such a confirmation was to be of great propaganda value to the papacy in addition to its immediate political and financial value ; Charles had confirmed that a friendly relationship existed between the great kingdom of the Franks and Rome , and that a pope could make demands upon the Frankish king in full expectation of support and response — perhaps even of obedience .
8 Erm I would , I think it would be very useful if you could make time in the next day or so , you do n't have to spend long on this you know , if you just spent sort of
9 They could repatriate profits at the official exchange rate and then reinvest them at favourable black-market rates that more than offset their tax liabilities .
10 This could have severe repercussions for the landlord in that it could include easements over the adjoining retained land of the landlord adversely affecting the landlord 's ability to use or develop that land .
11 If only he could come across a barn in which he could seek refuge from the full force of the gale … but visibility was limited to a few strides .
12 There is a particular risk that children could fall victim to the misplaced aggression of a guard dog .
13 A presidential candidate could win election on the first round only by gaining an absolute majority of the votes cast by at least one-quarter of registered voters ; otherwise the election would be decided by a second-round run-off between the two candidates with most votes .
14 Kayreddin Hasib , a Jordanian-based Sunni dissident who attended the conference , was described by the Middle East Economic Digest of April 5 as a " potentially significant figure " and " one of the few possible political leaders who could win support in the Iraqi Sunni heartlands " .
15 You could win tickets for the biggest weekend in the air show calender .
16 ‘ There is a market in Russia ’ concluded Fraser — ‘ one frustratingly stifled by the lack of foreign currency , but one that could yield results in the long term . ’
17 This process will identify critical areas where lack of performance could prevent progression to the next stage .
18 It is not hard to find suitable populations of bodies that could give rise to the observed range of crater sizes today — more on this in section 6.4 and in Chapter 8 .
19 683 were whether ( a ) the fact that the Bar Council , which was the accusatorial body , formed part of the Senate , which was the judicial body , meant that fair-minded people would regard the proceedings of the Senate 's disciplinary tribunal as tainted with the appearance of bias and ( b ) the fact that members of the same profession were both the accusers and the majority of the disciplinary tribunal could give rise to the same objection .
20 The novel then began to stake its claim as a genre which could give insight into the human psyche that no news broadcast or film ever could .
21 If it ‘ saw ’ a way to take a queen it would do so , even if the opponent could give mate on the next play .
22 Additionally , workers and pensioners could exchange notes above the maximum amounts provided that they completed an application form and could prove to special commissions that the money had been acquired legally .
23 The growth of the popular press , which could bring news of the latest entertainment to the breakfast tables of the nation , clearly has played a crucial role in defining sport as part of a commercialized mass culture .
24 The oarsmen and women have been training now for over 3 months to reach the peak of stamina and fitness that could bring victory in the longest raft race in the world .
25 Mr Redhead could bring God to the godless : his article brought tears to my eyes .
26 An enterprising man could do business under the Spanish dictator , Franco , and live in this North African refuge without fearing for the safety of his family .
27 Only a detailed and carefully chronicled narrative could do justice to the subtle complexities of the project in each school .
28 He could pluck examples of the universal spirit from any number of societies he had studied .
29 They 're being served up by British Rail on an Inter City service , and if they prove popular they could become part of the regular travelling menu .
30 He could see Donna on the other side of the barrier heading towards a dark-haired woman , whom she embraced .
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