Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 NEVER write on the will itself , or attach anything to it ( even with a paper clip ) as this could affect its validity in the future .
2 This authority is taking a somewhat different view to that public inquiry than the erm the highways authority er after shire hill er erm so I I think if we were to take a decision tonight it could affect our position at the public inquiry adversely er and I would not want us to get into that situation so I think to some extent er councillor timing on this motions is wrong and we should n't be be er discussing it now .
3 ‘ Oh , Sophie — if you could throw your caution to the winds .
4 She was confident that she could make her mark on the Rummidge Department in three years .
5 She made her way to the small side gate that opened on to the alley and which in the daytime was kept permanently open so that tradesmen could make their way to the kitchens through the vegetable garden .
6 Kevin Thomas , a 17-year-old striker who has scored eight goals during the reserve team 's 14-match unbeaten run , could make his debut for the Tynecastle club .
7 Pat Cash , out for eight months with an Achilles tendon injury , could make his comeback in the doubles at the Australian Open in Melbourne next month .
8 However Greene King could relaunch their bid in the near future … and even if they do n't … they 'll still be holding a forty-three per cent stake in the company
9 At one level , he finally found a spiritual home , a sanctuary from which he could vent his spleen on the oppressive bourgeois institutions which had duped him .
10 She dreaded the onset of winter , and on waking this morning she had thought that she could smell its breath in the air .
11 After a year or so of disappointment , my Dad gently explained about air waves , and I reasoned that if Dick Barton could send his voice through the air waves , God certainly could .
12 The occupier could exclude his duty to the visitor but not to the trespasser .
13 If it could bring its cost-effectiveness nearer the average , it could recruit up to the establishment that the Home Secretary has recommended . ’
14 We were completely thrown when one woman asked if she could bring her daughter to the next session .
15 If Alger Hiss could betray his country for the sake of Communism — and he is still trying to establish his innocence — where else among the highest in the land might treason be found ?
16 He had suggested she take up Jessica 's constant offer , considered she could do her revision on the beach or wherever , had smiled comfortably at her half-serious suggestion that Jessica might ‘ lead her astray ’ , or at least have a good go at it .
17 They took her in their arms and lifted her gently so that she could feel their support along the length of her body .
18 She could feel their heat from the doorway .
19 He could feel his hand in the handcuffs shaking .
20 And he tells how none of the assembled guards and officials could look his father in the eye as he protested his innocence .
21 Companies like the Virginia Company ran their affairs through elected committees , and this may have suggested to Sandys that the colonists could run their end of the business with the aid of an elected system as well .
22 From the front door he could see her walking along the road past the graveyard with three of her friends , their heavy skirts swinging .
23 He could see her shape through the frosted half-glass ; he did n't think that she 'd be able to see him but he stayed close to the wall , just in case .
24 Juliet could see her father through the half-open door of the visitors ' room .
25 Fred could see her hatred for the man showing plainly on her face , and he thought of Nellie 's closing words which kept running around inside his head .
26 Ace stuck out her tongue at Daak , who was grinning at her through the shuttle 's front window , but she doubted whether he could see her face inside the suit .
27 He could see her face in the mirror .
28 He drew her to a stop and swung her round so he could see her face in the half-light .
29 I remember seeing the red card and looking up , there was 30,000 people jeering and I could see my dad in the front row of the directors ’ box .
30 We won for a third time at Zandvoort , the first grand prix of the season : apart from the prize money , that moved us up a scale on the start money and suddenly I could see our way through the rest of the season .
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