Example sentences of "could [be] [verb] in the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 When the company indicated that it considered it was the fairest situation that could be achieved in the circumstances , the union representatives said that they noted the company 's position .
2 There was an obscure but real sense in which you attempted to portray yourself as fundamentally progressive , as achieving as much as could be achieved in the circumstances in terms of liberalising legislation .
3 But in practical terms of what could be achieved in the time-scales envisaged , with new contracts due to be signed between the privatized generating and distribution companies by the end of 1989 , nuclear power was the only option for large chunks of capacity .
4 Tensions over the degree to which hopes for peace could be invested in the processes of inter-state relations were already familiar to pre-1914 pacifists , and they will continue to exercise peace activists so long as nation states exist .
5 The former Conservative Party chairman insisted that even if the treaty was ratified , it could be challenged in the courts .
6 It was on these three criteria , described by a member of the Stephen Jones group which concocted them as ‘ the best that could be devised in the circumstances ’ , that the 1981–2 ‘ pool ’ allocation was based .
7 As well as the mixed delights of the Glasgow Fair and a wee burst of the cholera mixed in with bread riots , the 1850s saw giant strides in the techniques of battleship-building , and the amount of noise that could be generated in the interests of progress .
8 The haircut would have won the approval of an army officer and similar clothes could be seen in the windows of men 's outfitters in any high street , but the body inside them was unmistakably female .
9 The kingdom of God , he said , could be seen in the hearts of all who love and obey God now .
10 The circle could be seen in the discs of sun and moon and their related haloes and rainbows .
11 Increasingly Moran could be seen in the fields staring idly at some task he should be completing .
12 The inadequacies of management in state enterprises have been described in dramatic terms by several Nigerian academic observers , one of whom wrote in 1974 that the reasons for the poor performance of the state-owned sector could be seen in the words of one observer ‘ in the over centralization of authority … inspired by sheer love of power ’ or by another :
13 But the fact is that there might be persons eager to oppose the operation of the trust , and vested interests in declaring that no legal intention could be seen in the words used by the testator .
14 At that point , she broke down into laughter ; low , wild laughter , that could be heard in the rooms above .
15 Erm and I think the tenants ' group came to us and , and asked us if we would set up an advice session for tenants moving out , which could be situated in the flats , and could be run on a regular basis .
16 Between the unruly vales of Teviotdale , Eskdale and Liddesdale , animals could be hidden in the wilds of the Tarras Moss into which only the bravest of pursuers would dare follow .
17 Charles Booth described how each district had its own peculiar flavour because of its distinctive occupational structure , a flavour that could be detected in the streets from observing the faces of the people who lived there and noticing what they carried :
18 Midwinter and Monaghan warn that the Conservative centralising trend could be emulated in the proposals from the opposition parties for a Scottish parliament which might also take powers from local government .
19 Admittedly , the net pay that could be expected in the carbonates is relatively small , ( perhaps only 10–20 m ) and therefore the potential reserves that could be expected might only be in the order of 10–50 Bcf .
20 The left , by contrast , saw the greater worker and state involvement in the economy as a pointer to how the crisis could be resolved in the interests of working people ( chapter 18 ) .
21 Of 213 prey animals eaten , only 56 could be identified in the pellets , again examined under carefully controlled conditions .
22 SO WHEN THE DUST cleared after Armageddon , what meaning could be found in the ruins ?
23 The US authorities instigated 1,551 cases , but of these only 45 per cent were prosecuted as criminal ; the majority were dealt with as civil matters even though little difference could be found in the types of anti-trust behaviour these corporations committed .
24 The series did not have a uniform intellectual line and many varieties of opinion could be found in the contributors .
25 But Ian Cartwright , Doncaster director and chairman of the ADSS disabilities committee , said : ‘ I do n't see how it could be included in the transfers because most residents will be away from their homes for about two to three weeks .
26 YOU could be following in the footsteps of Richard Gere and Kim Basinger if you win our super holiday in San Francisco .
27 Instead of conceiving what had taken place as the best that could be managed in the circumstances , the Treaty had become some sort of model of what needed , come hell or high water , to be put into effect .
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