Example sentences of "could [adv] [vb infin] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He could perhaps have submitted himself to some army medical board , but whether they would have enthused over the application of a 48-year-old epileptic syphilitic with no military experience except that acquired while shooting wild-life in the desert
2 Just as the poor could not expect to get something for nothing , so the rich did not expect to get nothing for something .
3 He could not continue to look her in the face .
4 It was from the same haunts as the tarsier that the original " Wild Man of Borneo " — the orangutan , or " man of the forest " — was to reveal himself : a creature so vulnerable , so resonant with human emotion , that we could not fail to see ourselves in him .
5 Her trick was to establish during the early part of the evening roughly where the man lived ; then to announce a destination for herself to which he could not suggest accompanying her without seeming over keen .
6 For a long time I just could not face wearing them at home .
7 When she walked into Matthew 's sitting-room , Sara could not help comparing it with the drawing-room downstairs , it was so clean and fresh and comfortable .
8 Postscriptum : I have had Mr. Williams released from prison though I could not wish to see him at present .
9 When Les Dawson was a guest on the show , we discovered that he and Ken had been at school together , and Les could not resist reminding him of those happy days : ‘ The school we went to was so poor , if you put your hand up they thought it was a hold up .
10 He blamed it all on business , but could not resist taunting her for expecting him to be at h-er beck and call , while disapproving that he was rich .
11 He drove grimly and skilfully and he drove very fast as if he could not wait to get her on the plane to England and out of his sight .
12 As his next letter , dated 11 January showed , the Spender book could not have reached me before 12 January at the earliest , and I wanted to keep to the length of an article .
13 This is because Britain could not have defended herself in the Cold War order , and the common enemy demanded common action .
14 Without it , she could not have given herself to him so completely .
15 Of course , Mr Nakamura could not have done it without a lot of help from his staff : two of them resigned with him and all other executives are taking a six month pay cut of between 20 per cent and 50 per cent .
16 He could not have returned you to England no matter how hard he had tried . ’
17 But perhaps he could not have attracted them to The Other Story .
18 The organisation of the celebrations on such a large scale was a major success for Pateman and although he could not have known it at the time he was in the final few months of his long and difficult years of service to the District and the WEA .
19 But Jenny told him , without making any bones about it , how he could best say thank you to her .
20 She could easily have slapped her for that remark , which was silly really , but nonetheless that was how she felt .
21 Sometimes , new ideas involve such radically novel perspectives that the lack of key individuals ‘ in the chain of thought leading up to them … could easily have delayed them for … a generation ’ .
22 So far as she could recall , she had seen no reviews but then , of course , she knew she could easily have missed them in the interstices of choosing wallpaper , driving down to Hillmarden , overseeing decorators , interviewing nannies , buying a layette and all the hundred and one other things with which she was continually being confronted .
23 Lorton had insisted that they both took part in the burglary , when he could easily have done it by himself
24 As a result of this all pervading desire for reticence it is possible to suggest that the presentation of research papers in seminars , the creation of an undirected thesis , not to mention the production of a book , could easily have placed me in breach of Regulation 6 , which outlines the disciplinary offence of
25 He was obedient to the pressure — for he could easily have overborne her with his superior strength — but his voice was guttural .
26 Milton 's Lycidas , for example , goes conventionally enough into ‘ Elegy and Epitaph ’ , but the poem 's preoccupations could easily have qualified it for ‘ Church , State , and Belief ’ .
27 If only conventions were not so rigid she could easily have had him for a lodger .
28 Billy could easily have ferried her across the river in his boat , as he had done many times before .
29 When , sometimes , I think back on the beauty of life on a South Seas island , I start to wonder how fate could possibly have propelled me from the rain and bedraggled leafless winter trees of England to such distant enchantment .
30 A man who has a job that could possibly have brought him into contact with the victims , though I do n't think so myself .
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