Example sentences of "could [verb] [pron] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 WALES prop Mike Griffiths is facing a suspension that could rule him out of the clash with world champions Australia , after his dismissal in CARDIFF 'S match at Aberavon yesterday .
2 If a grip could be got on the parcel , maybe she could thread it up between the wood and through ?
3 ‘ Or you could throw someone out into the Connaught Tunnel .
4 But that was on a slower basis than , than he could make it up under the new scheme .
5 Total absorption in his passion could submerge him far below the surface of mere time .
6 And dad could knock me off on the way to get the papers .
7 You are a sign well able to juggle several balls at once so in many ways the volatile planetary climate could suit you down to the ground .
8 ‘ So I climbed into the back seat , ’ he recalled , ‘ stripped off the suit I was wearing and put on my pyjamas , thinking I could dry myself afterwards with the spare pair .
9 He was taking a group of his own men plus dogs and their handlers out to the helicopter base where he could brief them together with the pilots .
10 I was happy in my Office ; it was exacting but I could carry it easily in the House of Lords ; and I had no wish to re-submit myself to the rough and tumble of electioneering and the House of Commons …
11 The appeal at the school that Mrs was supposed to have let Miss White know so she could send it off to the parents to get the money back scanner
12 you could bring it round to the corner .
13 Would it be a situation if we asked the Town Clerk and er maybe with the Chairman , it 's a little bit difficult , I think the Town Clerk at this stage , to speak to and then if it seems possible we could bring it up at the Planning Committee meeting and arrange a date to go down and have a look , when we 've actually approached the land owners .
14 You could pace it out as the length of a grave .
15 It occurred to her that he could tip her out of the window without any effort at all , and she shrank back .
16 She was particularly fun in the choppier water when we could steer her accurately onto the face of the wave of our choice and drive her through the trough at full tilt .
17 Instead of tripping over their shoes while doing quick changes , each chair had pockets where they could thrust them out of the way .
18 She could see nothing out of the window to show there had been a fire .
19 I could see him clearly in the moonlight .
20 I could see him out of the corner of my eye and I thought , I 'm going to stick with him .
21 She could see him out of the comer of her eye , removing a crystal from his pocket and placing it in her desk reader .
22 ‘ The shops here are very good , but Dana is inclined to turn her nose up at anything outside London or Paris , so I imagine an hour could see her back at the flat . ’
23 I could see them clearly in the light of the foyer but they could n't see me cloaked in the anonymity of Armstrong — and what more anonymous than a black London cab ?
24 In London , the big plane tree stuck in the pavement outside Mrs Parvis 's house had three white rings painted round its black trunk so people could see it even in the dark .
25 I could see it over by the wooden boards that had been nailed across Quigley 's windows .
26 Well she thoroughly enjoyed the life , in fact right up , oh till nearly the end she spoke about Pharay and as long as she was able she used to go and she imagined she could see it better with the spy glasses .
27 You will have heard the phrase ‘ I could see it out of the corner of my eye ’ .
28 that the choice lay between power , which had served us since the days of Clive , and influence which , if we could use it aright in the changed conditions of the twentieth century , would serve us better .
29 You could erm you could , you could stick it in like the bedroom and wait for someone to go in and have a shag
30 What one knows is that , when a film works , it 's because writer , director and producer were working in harmony and could inspire everybody else on the project with their joint vision .
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