Example sentences of "could [verb] [noun] for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Aberconwy Borough Council said the damage figure passed the point at which they could make requests for financial help to the Government .
2 Why graft your arse off for a full week to make £130 , when you could make £150 for one day 's shoplifting ?
3 If he could win support for domestic expansion by coupling it with other proposals , he was only too eager to do so .
4 ‘ But if we could swap jobs for one day my first task would be to address the Free World wearing the Everton strip , then run a Blues flag up the mast at the White House . ’
5 Equally if the Soviet Union did not participate , this could provide room for Russian meddling .
6 The range of possible interpretations of these ratios is quite wide , however , and could provide material for further research .
7 However , it could provide ammunition for legal action which Ferranti intends to take against advisers and individuals in an attempt to recover some of the losses it has suffered .
8 Scrutiny by the Comptroller could also reveal more fully the extent of ministerial influence over nationalized industries and could provide fuel for parliamentary criticism of ministers .
9 Perhaps the most astonishing fact to emerge was that nobody who lived round the plant , not even farmer Clive Knox , could claim compensation for any accident from their own insurance company .
10 The decree also established from Jan. 1 , 1991 , currency exchanges where enterprises could sell roubles for hard currency .
11 Soon , though , we hit a Catch-22 : I could get funding for more equipment if there was a ‘ group ’ organised , but no village women wanted to be organised if they did n't have machines .
12 Here again there are local choices to be made , one option is the creation of new villages or larger settlements which could offer opportunities for high quality design , and also relieve pressures on existing towns and villages .
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