Example sentences of "its [noun pl] were [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When the House of Commons considered the matter in 1953 , its views were affected by the fact that they were unaware of any evidence of pressure for change from the churches themselves .
2 The Muslim Brotherhood was less concerned with the liberation of Palestine than with the establishment of an Islamic state by peaceful means , possibly as a part of Jordan where its activities were tolerated by the authorities .
3 We have every reason to believe that the club was infiltrated by the enemy , and that most of its activities were guided by the hand of the enemy for the purposes of causing disunity within the community and discrediting the name of Nelson Mandela and the organisation of which he is the leader .
4 One person stated that the government was unwilling to evaluate itself about how its policies were working on the ground .
5 Prior to the setting up of the CIVC , the single most effective body responsible for guarding the quality of Champagne today , a decree was passed on 28 September 1935 creating an inter-professional organisation called the Commission Spéciale de la Champagne , which soon became known as the Commission de Châlons because its meetings were held in the Prefecture ( the administrative centre ) at Châlons-sur-Marne .
6 Situated in Mayfair , directly across the park from her own house , its clients were drawn from the highest echelons of society .
7 As the NCF tried to come to terms with the fact that most of its supporters were opting for the Home Office scheme , bitter arguments broke out .
8 Immediately offered to the Victoria & Albert Museum for £40,000 , the museum , although interested , was unable to purchase it as its funds were exhausted by the purchase of two huge albums of eighteenth-century architectural drawings from Elton Hall .
9 In 1857 its functions were transferred to the Court of Probate .
10 In 1847 its functions were assumed by the new County Courts .
11 Although two of its directors were killed during the fighting between 1975 and 1979 and the building suffered badly from neglect , most of the National Museum 's collection survived .
12 No longer would youth and its culture have such a power to affect society as it had had for those brief few years from 1963 to 1967 : although the sharp end of youth culture was confusing purchasing power with political power and demanding change , many of its constituents were caught by the freeze that , introduced the previous year , signified the end of the ten-year boom that had thrust youth into prominence .
13 RAILWAYS : British Rail 's problem is that most of its structures were built in the last century .
14 Many of the small boats which usually travelled its waters were moored for the night and The Sandhopper passed a number of them as it made its way up river .
15 Its powers were extended by the Housing Acts of 1894 , 1900 and 1903 , and also by the Housing and Town Planning Act of 1909 , the first major housing measure not introduced by Conservatives .
16 Under the Treaty of Rome its powers were defined as the supervision of both the Commission and the Council of Ministers , including the right to put questions to the Commission and to discuss the latter 's annual report , to discharge the annual budget , and to censure the Commission .
17 Its powers were distributed between the London Boroughs with some important exceptions e.g. education in inner London ( for which a reconstituted and now directly elected Inner London Education Authority was created ) and fire services .
18 The holiday firm had not checked that its customers were provided with the correct rooms .
19 Somewhat ominously , it appeared that its guns were trained upon the town .
20 Even this product of genius was flawed as it trailed away into melodrama but for a fleeting moment Hollywood was shown what could be achieved if its resources were used as the basis for a director 's cinema .
21 The Labour Party began its own Book Service at the end of 1939 in an attempt to provide the alternative , but its efforts were hindered by the war and could not attract a fraction of the readership achieved by the Left Book Club .
22 It was impossible to walk across the top and ignore the great panorama of London , even if its lights were obscured by the rain , even if the downpour was steadily soaking you .
23 After the First World War , the Cassel had almost completely vanished and its remnants were absorbed into the Furnes-Ambacht .
24 The same day , Burkina denied that its forces were fighting alongside the NPFL .
25 The Local Government portfolio hitherto held by Majid was abolished and its departments were incorporated into the Interior Ministry .
26 Its members were drawn from the North and South ( including oil exporters ) .
27 The nineteen eighty two to three event was one of the most severe on record and its affects were felt around the world .
28 Reggae was a poor man 's music and its themes were drawn from the ghettoes of Trenchtown , Jamaica .
29 Politically , it was the product of a desire for Western European unity , and its ideals were shaped by the need to have some legal bulwark against a resurgence of fascism , and by a wish to articulate those civil rights which seemed threatened by communist regimes in Eastern Europe .
30 After extensive conservation and repair work is completed , the Palace will house a rich series of displays showing how its apartments were used by the Stewart monarchs and their households , and a special display will be devoted to the carved wooden Stirling Heads which once decorated the ceiling of the King 's Presence Chamber .
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