Example sentences of "some [prep] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Grim-faced , the slow growl of anger in his voice deeper now , he pushed some of her clothes into the bags .
2 In all of this giving away of herself ( which can be taken in two modern senses ) , this revelation of a coarser character beneath the courtly exterior she tries to sustain , Margery follows the movement of the opening stanzas of the text down from the character of the courtly dame to the level of the townswoman , a stereotyped bourgeois Vxor , " Wife " : the label that seems to be given her by the letter " " V " alongside some of her speeches in the manuscript copy of Dame Sirith .
3 Una Marson 's poems and some of her contributions to the wartime broadcast poetry magazine Voice have recently been reprinted .
4 At her side , introducing her to people , encouraging her to elaborate on some of her ideas for the future , Luke was urbane , expressing only suave approval , and no one could have guessed at the personal contempt he felt for her , not a hint of it — or anything else personal either — allowed to show through his sophisticated public manner .
5 Perhaps , though , it was Pepper 's display which exposed some of their deficiencies for the impetus was created and maintained almost exclusively by the forwards , who dominated the lineout and drove magnificently .
6 Lucky chance put massive reserves of oil within the national boundaries of some barren and desolate desert kingdoms and political will has , through the organized power of OPEC , turned some of their rulers into the richest men in the world .
7 Poor things , with their cocktails , Ianthe thought , remembering her uncle 's scorn , some of their faces under the elegant hats and above the fur coats were kindly , even noble .
8 We quickly made the acquaintance of everyone in our lane which was part of a very scattered village , and after the children started school there were always some of their friends around the house .
9 Last year they loaned some of their acquisitions to the Barbican Centre for the exhibition ‘ Japan and Britain : an aesthetic dialogue 1850–1930 ’ .
10 Other pharmaceuticals recouped some of their losses on the back of Glaxo 's late recovery .
11 We follow a probe into the interior of a black hole and find that space and time interchange some of their characteristics under the intense gravitational field present there .
12 The travellers threw missiles , and abandoned some of their vehicles on the road when they could n't get in to the three-day event .
13 Two years ago , the Texas supreme court declared that money had to be spread equally between rich districts and poor , and that rich schools should send some of their revenues to the state to be shared out .
14 She said yesterday : ‘ The brickies were quite open about backing the IRA and giving some of their wages to the ‘ cause . ’
15 Most of the guns , however , were at least 40 years old , some of them relics from the Boer War .
16 European Leisure , which also makes amusement machines and has property interests , plans to sell off some of its businesses in the UK and Europe to meet debts .
17 Article 15 , in particular allows a state party to the Convention to take measures derogating from some of its obligations under the Convention ‘ In time of war or other public emergency threatening the life of the nation ’ to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation , whilst many of the individual articles establishing particular rights allow to a state a measure of liberty of action in order to secure the public interest .
18 Indeed , because of deficiencies , the Air Force has had to change some of its plans for the bomber and may have to dish out an extra $1 billion to correct the problems .
19 Last week it launched version 4 of the XPG portability guide and laid out some of its plans for the future .
20 Desertions from the National Party are reflected in a similar scramble from the Broederbond , an Afrikaner organisation that shares some of its leaders with the party and played an important part in persuading it to move boldly on reform .
21 The firm decides to repurchase some of its shares in the market with the proceeds from the issue of a bond with the face value in other words , it substitutes debt for equity on its balance sheet .
22 Since then the garage has been obliged to leave some of its cars on the lines because it can not display them any other way .
23 The pound was in good shape , re-couping some of its losses against the mark and the dollar .
24 In this paper I have outlined the Z-Score approach to financial analysis and some of its applications for the credit manager .
25 Just leave it to me said Mr Grover I think between us and with the help of some of our friends in the market we shall be able to give everybody a Christmas to remember .
26 I had already performed a literature search on t-butyl OOH , and we have done some experiments with it on our parasite systems … some of our experiments on the parasites worked well and will appear in The Lancet . ’
27 Here we look at some of our experts in the UK and other supporting roles we provide .
28 Our efforts at self-help have been much encouraged by the generosity of Mr Peter Leaver , Q.C. , Mr Samuel Stamler , Q.C. , and other members of Mr Stamler 's Chambers , who have undertaken to meet the cost ofthe Law Reports and some of our journals for the next five years .
29 The following are some of our reflections on the day …
30 We have modified some of our proposals in the light of the views we have received .
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