Example sentences of "some [prep] [art] [noun pl] from the " in BNC.

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1 As part of their familiarisation process with the new assessment procedures , the students tried out some of the tasks from the Negotiator module in pairs .
2 I said course I know I said to put some of the carbons from the smoke back into the , into the er wrought iron , he says how did you find that out ?
3 Today , a number of my hon. Friends have expressed their regret at some of the omissions from the Queen 's Speech .
4 In June similar skill is needed to strip some of the leaves from the vine to allow the sun to penetrate to the fruit to improve its richness .
5 If the hon. Lady would read some of the reports from the OECD and other reputable organisations , she would see the extent to which those organisations commend our practices in those matters .
6 In the case of breast-feeding mothers , some of the toxins from the cigarettes that enter the bloodstream are passed into the milk and have a direct effect on the baby 's delicate stomach lining .
7 Fig. 1.10 ( overleaf ) SEM micrographs of some of the elements from the tumbling experiment .
8 She pulled some of the letters from the thigh pocket of her combat trousers .
9 It seems to meet some deep need to atone for modern materialism , by saving some of the materials from the rubbish bin .
10 And he could remember some of the signs from the Store .
11 Displayed inside one of exhibition halls at Farnborough were some of the artefacts from the Greenland Expedition 's salvage from the famed cache of P-38s and a B-17 trapped in the ice cap .
12 The reason he asked me out , dear Leo , was because he had overheard some of the girls from the agency talking about the money Aunt Jane left me — was n't it wonderful ?
13 The bottom jaw was missing and some of the teeth from the top , but the sockets were there .
14 Some of the ladies from the finest houses have their fancy shoes made by Hari Morgan . ’
15 Before we go a word about tomorrow night 's programme when we 'll be looking back at some of the highlights from the first ten years of Central News .
16 If I could not reassure her by telling her Neil was there , and watching , it was possible , more , probable , that she would insist either on my moving into a lodging in the village , or that some of the men from the village would keep watch on Otters ' Bay and the empty house .
17 He had taken part in the search that morning for a while , talked to some of the children from the school , as well as helping to organize the house-to-house .
18 Peter chooses his selection GAG-MASTER Neville Boyer demonstrates some of the props from the shop Today 's the last day of Fun Fortnight in the
19 Although the studies of US index futures by Bhatt and Cakici ( 1990 ) , Billingsley and Chance ( 1988 ) , Cornell ( 1985a ) , Cornell and French ( 1983a ; 1983b ) , Figlewski ( 1984a ; 1984b ) , Merrick ( 1987 ) and Morse ( 1988 ) ignored transactions costs , some of the deviations from the theoretical prices were sufficiently large to cast doubt on the conclusion of Cornell ( 1985a ) that the no-arbitrage condition is supported by the evidence .
20 I was a little disappointed , although perhaps not surprised , at the grudging welcome for some of the suggestions from the Labour party .
21 Wedding photographs also look lovely when given a floral border , and particularly if you can press some of the flowers from the wedding bouquet .
22 For the /t/ — /0/ contrast it could be as follows : firstly try and find a frame you can use with at least some of the words from the lists , and listen , mimic , produce .
23 Costs in contentious cases are more complicated because a successful party may normally recover some of the costs from the losing party .
24 It is likely that the plaintiff will have to satisfy such costs from the damages award , subject to recovering some of the costs from the other party .
25 The compulsory membership ( necessary for the midnight–7am licence ) sorts out some of the teds from the heads , but even with membership , hopefuls have to get past Geoff on the door .
26 I proceeded to borrow it and , working on the principle that possession was nine-tenths of the law , I made a bass in the woodwork shop at school , ‘ borrowing ’ some of the parts from the converted one to complete mine .
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