Example sentences of "some [prep] [art] [noun pl] of the " in BNC.

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1 While Father Aden tidies the rooms , Brother Bernard slips into his role as tourist guide , showing off some off the treasures of the Abbey .
2 The shadowy collaboration between Apple Computer Inc and Novell Inc to put the Macintosh Finder user interface and Toolbox applications development aids atop Novell 's DR DOS clone of Microsoft Corp 's MS-DOS and network client software to give the poor relations in the graphical user interface stakes , the iAPX-86 personal computer users , some of the joys of the Macintosh , has now been pinned down pretty firmly by MacWeek , and it appears that the resulting product will be marketed by Novell .
3 In the event , some of the consequences of the solution have proved as irksome as the problem , but they have done the trick .
4 The ideal of the secondary modern school was disintegrating , and the lack of a clear mission contributed to a steadily growing disenchantment with some of the consequences of the 1944 Act .
5 In this chapter I shall consider some of the consequences of the National Curriculum for children who experience difficulties in learning at school .
6 We do , however , need to spend time looking at some of the shortcomings of the ‘ props ’ .
7 In fact their game in the quarter-finals of the Sicily 7s , operating as both qualifier and dress rehearsal for next year 's World Cup Sevens at Murrayfield , revealed some of the shortcomings of the competition .
8 Before moving on to look at the new developments that I suggested initially might constitute the basis for a redirection in writing , it is worth considering some of the shortcomings of the frequency-count approach just described .
9 Some of the shortcomings of the with-profit system , designed as it was in a bygone era , are all too obvious , but some , unfortunately , only become apparent when it is too late .
10 Recognise and talk about the use of word play , eg puns , unconventional spellings etc , and some of the effects of the writer 's choice of words in imaginative uses of English .
11 Do you feel that it has successfully captured some of the effects of the social relationship ?
12 This leaflet deals with some of the effects of the Poll Tax on women .
13 This second possibility was the one I preferred , especially since I saw on reflection that such ripples might produce some of the effects of the first possibility .
14 It is becoming a tradition in our family ( extended by friends ) to do a fairly long walk between Christmas and the New Year , to walk off some of the effects of the turkey and tone up the system for the usual see-the-New- Year-in celebrations .
15 D. St Helens ( 99 000 people ) is a town where the workers in the factories use some of the products of the chemical industry .
16 I give credit to the people of those regions who , as we have seen , are realising some of the follies of the past .
17 In the remainder of this chapter I will explore some of the ambiguities and problems which face those who set out to research the police and assess some of the fears of the academic incursion into police society .
18 The most recent findings have highlighted some of the fears of the critics of transracial adoption ; ‘ These black children have been made white in all but skin colour ’ ( Gill and Jackson , 1983 , p. 137 ) .
19 It may also be that women have a greater need of seeing some of the qualities of the future .
20 The chapter begins by exploring some of the limitations of the data on low-income households .
21 This gives us information about some of the vibrations of the ground state ( see , for example , Fig. 5.6 ) .
22 This was an attempt to retain some of the advantages of the gold standard , since stable rates of exchange were thought to be beneficial to the conduct of trade and other international transactions , and yet adjustments in the exchange rate were deemed desirable for a country facing a permanent payments imbalance .
23 The instructions have to specify the accumulator to be used as well as the store address , giving some of the advantages of the two-address system without the long instruction format required to hold a second store address ; this technique has therefore sometimes been called the " 1½-address system " .
24 Peter Osborne of the Berkeley Square Gallery in London , which specialises in material of this kind , explained some of the rules of the print market .
25 ‘ Metazoan Phylogeny ’ is exciting to play , and we may , at last , be on the verge of working out some of the rules of the game .
26 In psychological terms , when a speaker of one language learns a second there is a tendency to generalise some of the rules of the first language to the second language ; when these rules conflict with the correct rules for the second language there is interference , sometimes known as L1 interference or mother-tongue interference .
27 He said he was not out to attribute blame or indulge in recriminations for last week 's ‘ grievous defeat ’ , but added : ‘ I think it fair to say that our tax proposals show perhaps less than total sensitivity to some of the interests of the voters in the South of England in particular , whose support we need .
28 Each case was examined and classified according to sixteen variables which describe some of the circumstances of the incident and the social characteristics of the persons involved .
29 Following up some of the conclusions of the first CACE report ( see 1947 Clarke ) this inquiry considered ‘ the natural interests and pursuits of school children out of school hours ’ .
30 Neither of these was adopted — the executed bridge was a conventional masonry structure of three arches — but in his design for the Coalbrookdale bridge , made in 1775 , he adapted some of the principles of the timber proposal to a structure wholly of cast iron ; and it was a modified version of this design which was executed by the Coalbrookdale Ironworks in 1777–9 — the first iron bridge in the world .
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