Example sentences of "some [noun] have been make [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By the time the Swann Report came to be written , some progress had been made in the debate about ‘ underachievement ’ .
2 Although some progress had been made by January 1990 in dissolving the Ministry for State Security ( the " Stasi " ) [ see pp. 37107-08 ; 37170 ] , the extent to which prominent people had been involved with the Stasi remained a contentious issue [ ibid . ] .
3 Though some progress has been made towards common accounts , differences are unlikely to be ironed out worldwide for decades .
4 However , some progress has been made concerning the knowledge acquisition problem : Amsler [ 1982 ] , Calzolari [ 1984 ] , Chodorow [ 1985 ] and Alshawi [ 1988 ] have all demonstrated the use of a machine-readable dictionary in the automatic construction of semantic relations and networks .
5 Some progress has been made in reducing negative stereotyping .
6 ‘ I trust some progress has been made in my absence . ’
7 Some progress has been made in this area , since the input to such systems is typically simpler than the text to be processed in MT or IR systems , and the interactive nature of the application allows the system to resolve certain ambiguities by asking the user to rephrase the question .
8 Some progress has been made in recording data on the Polytechnic 's rooms and buildings , and on the teaching space requirements of individual courses .
9 Some play has been made of the fact that the Government withdrew the right to claim social security benefits from most full-time students .
10 Some concessions have been made to conservationists who want to see an end to all military use of national park land .
11 Some prototypes have been made with the LC molecules activated by laser light .
12 In addition some criticism has been made of the new hang as focal paintings viewed down the gallery vistas — for example Raphael 's ‘ Sistine Madonna ’ — are no longer seen in isolation , but comments in the German press and from museum curators have on the whole been overwhelmingly enthusiastic .
13 Although some studies have been made of rural railways , the majority have looked at road-based public transport ( Halsall and Turton , 1979 ) , since only the road provides the flexibility required in rural areas .
14 Some studies have been made on the timing of decisions to relegate material to remote storage in universities ( see Chapter 11 ) and on the relation between purchase and borrowing through interloans schemes ( see Chapter 13 ) .
15 But , as mentioned above , some changes have been made in the light of comments received on the discussion paper .
16 Some use has been made of a control suggested by Kurtz ( 1955 ) , in which the subjects received pre-training on a same — different task .
17 Some modifications have been made to both the hardware and the Amiga 's operating system .
18 Chris Morris , the joint receiver at Touche Ross , said that some payments had been made to employees and priority creditors — essentially the banks — but said the chances of ordinary creditors receiving anything was ‘ only around half a per cent ’ .
19 Some alterations have been made to it , such as substituting a cast-iron beam for the original timber one , but it is basically intact as built , and interested visitors can see it on application to the Coal Board 's local area office .
20 Mickey Spielberg , Disney 's chief imagineer , told me that some adjustments have been made for the European park , especially in the type of catering provided .
21 Some effort has been made by some libraries to assist libraries and institutions with user education programmes , for example , universities and polytechnics for schools , and public libraries also for schools , 2 but this expresses local efforts of co-operation , rather than the submission that user education is a continuous process which takes place throughout the various educational sectors and beyond .
22 However , despite my aim to provide flexibility in structure , the HyperCard still imposes a primary organizational structure and it may be difficult to extract information that has no relation to the original structure imposed by the author Nevertheless , some links have been made between tutorials which cut across the primary categorization and users are able to move between different sections as easily as moving within sections .
23 Felici said the document had not yet been printed , and some emendations had been made to the text .
24 Some connection having been made in his mind , he began to rebuke her for a belief in the reality of Noah 's Ark , which he referred to sarcastically as the Myth of the Deluge .
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