Example sentences of "when he [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The accused claimed that he had produced the gun to try to hold Robert at bay and then shot him when he advanced on him with a hunting knife .
2 When he returned to it from the telephone box outside , it was unoccupied .
3 When he returned with her to the Judge 's House two hours later , he found Mrs Wood waiting outside it .
4 ‘ I did n't mean we should get to know each other — ’ She broke off , not sure what she did mean when he looked at her in such open invitation .
5 And when he looked at her in mystification , as well he might , she realised , she went on , ‘ I 'd no idea until this morning that the same Naylor who came for you yesterday morning is my new boss ! ’
6 Then he brought his blazing eyes unhurriedly to her face and for a long moment she found herself wishing time would stand still ; when he looked at her like that … she swallowed , felt her pulse beating wildly ; his eyes were devouring hers .
7 I want him sent home and put to bed feeling good so that when he gets to me in the mornings , he 's feeling good ’ .
8 For it was precisely this idea that he promoted when he exhibited the drawings at his Gallery 291 , beginning in late May 1916 , and when he wrote about them in an issue of Camera Work the following October .
9 She shrieked when he went near her with the scissors , and had to be held down by the nurse so that he could take off about twelve inches of her golden curls .
10 He narrowly avoided collisions with two cars as he drove onto the western bypass and forced the pursuing police car to take evasive action when he drove towards it on another road .
11 There were days when you just could n't talk to him , when he stared at you as if what you said made no sense , and then gave you answers you could n't understand .
12 After opening nights at Blackpool , she would snub John ; when he waited for her at the front entrance with their car and chauffeur she would deliberately slip out of the Stage Door and go home by tram .
13 ‘ What is particularly reprehensible is that the child sought counselling when he came to you about signs of puberty .
14 Filled with love , she longed to run towards him , but controlled the impulse ; then , when he came towards her with his hand outstretched , her heart felt swollen with joy .
15 ‘ I 'm not going to do anything , except wait and see how the police get on , ’ said Joe , ‘ and I do n't know what you can do except tell the police that you got acquainted with the unfortunate bloke when he came after you for nicking that wallet from Blackbeard .
16 The Woodvilles had given no grounds for complaint when he moved against them at the end of April , and the protectorate was still viable in mid June when he chose to end it .
17 The Woodvilles had given no grounds for complaint when he moved against them at the end of April , and the protectorate was still viable in mid June when he chose to end it .
18 Laura had said once , when he grumbled to her about Mr Simpson .
19 In the past , he had only ever spoken well of his mother , when he spoke of her at all .
20 His recent history — which sounded as remote when he spoke of it as a previous incarnation — had enacted a traditional surfing scenario he was n't particularly proud of .
21 The women were starting to wail , when he hissed at them to be quiet .
22 Six years later , when he talked about it in his house in Basel , he still believed it , and with absolute conviction .
23 She had anticipated as much when he talked to her about leaving as they watched the sun go down over the Mediterranean during the honeymoon cruise .
24 When he stood beside her at the grave he longed to hold her hand , and the sight of smudges on her cheeks from weeping made his heart ache .
25 And when he turned to me before leaving he appeared to be still in a state of shock .
26 When he turned towards me at Dun Laoghaire , he looked the complete tearaway .
27 Any other small mammal of this size would quickly be squashed to death , but when he steps off it after several minutes , the hero shrew reveals that it is still very much alive by trying to escape .
28 When he proposed to her on the last night I think she took him because , having been in her room for seven days , she 'd met nobody else and could n't bear to see her investment wasted . ’
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