Example sentences of "when this [is] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Considerable effort has been expended to reduce the dependence upon written language when this is not the subject matter of the test , for example , in science use is made of oral presentations of questions .
2 If you move on or after the 1st April 1991 you will normally lose the reduction although there are certain circumstances when this is not the case . ’
3 Workers , for example , are often quite ready to accept as final a statement that they are too old for a job , even when this is not the case .
4 When this is not the case , as with non-Western cultures ( and as it might be with deaf people ) , then the theories produced may be of limited value .
5 When this is not the case there will almost certainly , however , be periodic attempts to reconcile the two sets of accounts , by comparing the profit shown in the financial accounts with that revealed in the cost accounts .
6 The client for whom the firm is acting should be clearly identified and care should be taken to ensure that third parties do not form the impression that the firm is advising them or acting for them when this is not the case .
7 The client for whom the firm is acting should be clearly identified and care should be taken to ensure that third parties do not form the impression that the firm is advising them or acting for them when this is not the case .
8 When this is not the case , benefit allocations are in inverse proportion to A's and B's .
9 Nevertheless , such a link is often made even when this is not the case .
10 It assumes that an easy consensus can be achieved about the nature of the problem and its resolution , when this is rarely the case .
11 It may in part be a function of the teacher 's own practices , and when this is so an analysis of his or her use of time , from the broad organizational strategies right down to the minutiae of moment-to-moment interactions with the children , could help both in creating more time and in making for a more effective and efficient context for learning .
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