Example sentences of "when it be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is alright but it does tend to bunch up a lot when it 's pulled in close to the face .
2 So when it 's added to harmful substances , it makes them unpalatable .
3 This approach has considerable intuitive appeal when it is applied to the markets for apples or second-hand cars , and even when it is applied to individual labour markets .
4 A further criticism may be levelled against the ‘ past use ’ theory of weeding , particularly when it is applied to public libraries , where most of Slote 's studies were carried out .
5 Where an odour has multi-sources this problem is exacerbated especially when it is created by two or more chemicals coming together neither of which individually amount to a nuisance .
6 In fact the chronicle succeeds in having its cake and eating it , all the way back to the stir caused by Nicholas Stavrogin 's arrival in ‘ our town ’ , when it is recorded among other things that he seemed to know a lot — ‘ But of course it did n't take much knowledge to astonish us ’ .
7 The lightness of Courtney 's sentence is obvious when it is compared to other recent sentences .
8 There is a statutory discontinuance of a trade when it is transferred from one company to another ( see s337(1) TA 1988 ) .
9 In many cases a natural spray does not seem nearly as attractive when it is presented in two dimensions as it does when seen growing naturally in the wild , when of course it is viewed in three dimensions .
10 ‘ It is a drug used in medicine since 1935 and its serious side-effects are rare even when it is prescribed at high concentrations for long periods .
11 We have already seen how authority within companies is deemed legitimate when it is based on educational achievement and length of service ; attitudes towards public sector bureaucrats who occupy high office are likewise framed by the priority given to individual merit displayed by educational status .
12 The agreement will ensure that the Adelaide will fully retain its Protestant ethos when it is merged with two other Dublin hospitals , the Meath and the National Children 's Hospital , in a new hospital in the rapidly-expanding suburb of Tallaght .
13 This is maintained until lowering full ( forty ) flap on short final , when it is reduced to 120 with a further increase of power to hold it there .
14 This treatment may be given by mouth ( when it is known as oral rehydration therapy or ORT ) or directly into the bloodstream in more serious cases .
15 A case is defined when it is reported as one alleged offender involved in one event or series of events ; also it is regarded as one case where members of the same group are involved in one event or series of events .
16 To eliminate z , a dimensionless parameter per solvent molecule , is defined as which is the difference in energy between a solvent molecule when it is immersed in pure polymer and when in pure solvent .
17 We are unfree , not when our strongest desire is displaced by an even stronger one , but when it is thwarted by external circumstances and becomes impossible of realization .
18 I will , of course , send you some copies of the magazine when it is published in mid June .
19 And when it is burnt in large amounts , then the CO 2 that was taken up in the ancient world over a period of , say , a million years , may be released into the modern world in just a few years .
20 When it is caught in British waters , the event does not go unnoticed and there have been some large examples recorded .
21 In February 1980 the Afghan Foreign Minister argued that ‘ the presence of foreign troops in a country , especially when it is requested by that country , is basically not against the principles of non-alignment ’ .
22 ‘ poeticity ’ , he says , is like oil in cooking ; you can not have it on its own but when it is used with other food it is more than a mere addition .
23 The morpheme which is glossed as " father " may have extended meanings when it is used in other contexts , but its real meaning is " father " in its ordinary English sense of " male parent " .
24 By proposing discourse as the object of analysis , Barthes shows that language , when it is used in certain ways ( in this instance a story ) , has levels of structure that operate beyond the level of structural linguistics or even semiology .
25 When it is bombarded with red light , it undergoes a photochemical reaction .
26 Any murder , anywhere , is unforgivable — but particularly so when it is committed against innocent children undergoing treatment . ’
27 Newby therefore introduces one further element into the rural deprivation model , namely the relativity of deprivation , and reasserts the two basic problems of the model , the apparent well-being of rural areas based on their attractive environment , and the difficulty of defining deprivation when it is spread in small pockets over much of the countryside .
28 Strains in glass — as in most other transparent solids — become visible in polarized light and sunlight is partially polarized especially when it is reflected from non-metallic surfaces such as a road or the paintwork of a car .
29 Secondly , the relevance of accruals accounting , when it is linked with historic costs and during periods of rising prices , is limited .
30 The pungency of mustard is only realised when it is mixed with cold water ; salt , vinegar and hot water inhibit the flavour , producing a milder condiment .
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