Example sentences of "some of [art] [adj] [noun pl] who " in BNC.

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1 It was in fact some of the deaf schoolchildren who came closest to experiencing the horrors of the 1914–18 War .
2 With the band too , being in mufti , one can pick out some of the five ladies who have recently joined the band .
3 But given the shortage of money , ought not some of that money go towards preserving some of the great companies who are now under great pressure ?
4 Some of the principal speakers who took part in the Council 's 21st International Forum are pictured above .
5 But the teacher in John still comes out whenever some of the many schoolchildren who visit the centre see him at work :
6 We were here for six days before the camels arrived , but were reassured by hearing news of them from some of the many pilgrims who passed through our camp on their way to a famous shrine of Sheikh Husain ; all carried peeled , forked wands as an emblem of their pilgrimage .
7 I , I think er erm when I first started down there , it was a job , I thought well this is a good job fifteen bob a week , that 's , that 's a lot more than some of the other boys who 'd left school got , they were twelve and six you see and erm , I think erm I came back out of the forces and took over more responsible jobs , I do n't think I could have gone to anything else but transport .
8 But she could n't ever see me , though I think at first she knew I was around , so now I mostly stay where I am and amuse myself with some of the other kids who are here too .
9 RW suggested that the Group should consider using S Clarke 's old office for some of the new researchers who will be arriving shortly .
10 Nor can Socrates ' association with some of the Thirty Tyrants who , with Spartan support , had launched a coup against the democracy five years earlier , have been decisive .
11 These , it appeared , were where the allegations had begun , and these , Mr M told the South Ronaldsay community , could only have come from some of the eight children who had been taken into care the previous November .
12 I hope some of the young players who do not reach the very top still see the amateur game as a satisfying golf career in itself , in conjunction with a ‘ real job ’ .
13 There was also hostility towards the report from some of the provincial premiers who had opposed Meech Lake on the grounds that it had made too many special concessions to Quebec .
14 And their concerns rubbed off on some of the elderly residents who spent an uncertain Christmas not knowing whether they would be staying or be forced to leave .
15 She had lost her virginity when she was ten , so she told us , and she was popular with some of the Spanish men who would perch her on their knees and allow her to fondle their private parts as a joke .
16 Having been a soldier in the First World War , he really knows what he is writing about and is a great contrast to some of the pretentious poets who preach about war while they have never seen any violence in their entire lives .
17 The Minister has said that his Department has contacted the local authorities , but when will the Government accept that the local authorities have the strategy and the enabling powers to make provision for housing , especially for the homeless and perhaps for some of the 40,000 personnel who will be leaving the armed forces in the near future ?
18 Unlike some of the self-deluding egotists who have played football alongside him , he was a simple and some might say painfully honest man .
19 Some of the Northumbrian noblemen who were styled ‘ patrician ’ were clearly very powerful men , even potentially over-mighty subjects , but they were not peculiar to Northumbria .
20 This applies to some extent to the present posture of some of the leading cadres who prefer the old and are in substance quite incapable of integrating in the reform processes , and who , moreover , refuse to accept them either politically or psychologically . "
21 He did not accept written excuses , read out in court , by some of the 21 offenders who claimed they had not seen warning signs until it was too late .
22 One governor commented that he was trying to pick off some of the weaker governors who had no sense of what their role was meant to be .
23 Some of the German soldiers who were acting as escort for the Poles , began to unsling their rifles apprehensively .
24 There was insufficient recognition that some of the voluntary organisations who helped with the plans do not adequately consult disabled people .
25 I would think for some of the younger ones who have n't seen or read a lot in the papers of where , what 's going on
26 He became aware of the disapproving looks his noisy party were receiving from some of the older locals who had drifted in over the last hour .
27 Ireland 's defeat of England may have come too late to influence the marginal selections but it certainly highlighted the shortcomings of some of the English players who were subsequently selected .
28 Those unable to attend the parade watched it on television , and were joined later by some of the overseas visitors who had proudly paraded before Her Majesty The Queen outside Buckingham Palace .
29 This feature of quantum mechanics proved very distasteful to some of the very men who had helped to create the subject .
30 THE best prizes are in your fun-packed Daily Mirror — and her are some of the happy readers who have snapped them up .
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