Example sentences of "when [pers pn] look [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But when I looked over the edge there was no sign of him , or of the river — only the mist swirling .
2 I noticed it first in a school photo , when I looked along the rows , she was there , only it was n't , it was a boy called Robbie Cullen .
3 But when I looked at the date , my father could only have been about twelve year old you see , when these letters were written so it must have been my grandfather writing to Coventry and Birmingham for parts for the penny farthing bicycles which he worked on .
4 And when I looked at the clock , I was on time and .
5 Erm and when I looked at the figures , we had a greater percentage of institutions and pupils than the other sharer or partner in the process .
6 Yet when I looked at the bottle , the label told me that the wine had a decidedly non-classic provenance .
7 Erm you probably all know Murphy 's law that what can go wrong will go wrong , when I looked at the Oil Service Industry in last year , I rather think that Murphy was a bit of an optimist myself .
8 When I looked at the archive material , I was surprised at what the censor passed rather than what was hushed up .
9 While there are problems in the class , … when I looked at the programme I could see that problems that are caused because you are not explaining yourself , you are not getting them down to work , they do n't understand what they 're doing .
10 Greater Manchester West is my first choice , not Greater Manchester East , and when I looked at the vote in the last contest , back in nineteen eighty eight , when the erm then Alliance , or the ex-Alliance vote was split between the social erm liberal democrats as they were then , and the S D P , and saw the votes I had to beat this time , six thousand nine hundred , I thought I can look good next to that .
11 ‘ That 's just what I said to myself when I woke up this morning , but when I looked on the floor , there was the veil , torn in two halves ! ’
12 Images , when I looked into the water . ’
13 When I looked into the future and saw a life shared with Ellen in a house in the country , dogs , kids , mowing the lawn , I panicked .
14 But when I looked in the ZZAP !
15 Although I was still ‘ tiny ’ ( a word used by one of them at the time ) by any normal standards , when I looked in the mirror , I saw someone who appeared to me to be ‘ gross ’ — a favourite word with anorexics , as Minuchin shows .
16 When I looked in the mirror and told myself , first , ‘ that ca n't be me ’ , and later , ‘ that wo n't be me ’ , what I was seeing was a woman .
17 If only that was what I felt when I looked in the mirror , instead of anxiety over these little springs of steel .
18 And er she says , sh she said you came round the corner too quick , you were n't there when I looked in the mirror !
19 No , it 's alright , I was looking in here , because I mean , it , I er , you know , I saw in the er , when I looked in the manual it said it did n't pay out on H I V , so it .
20 When I look towards the Merchiston Castle here , I wonder what John Napier who lived here from 1550 to 1627 would have said could he see us today .
21 Some snatch of verse from a Jacobean tragedy flashed through his mind : ‘ When I look into the fishponds in my garden , methinks I see a thing , armed with a rake , that seems to strike at me . ’
22 The pretence that this is not so is what makes me sick , he wrote , when I look at the works of the past .
23 This sounds logical , but when I look at the Sega or Nintendo where there 's no piracy , you still have to pay a fortune for one single game .
24 Now , when I look at the pictures of the car after the crash , with the passenger-side floor sill and roof crumpled and distorted and my seat moved forward — which helped trap me in the car — I wonder whether we chose the car on the correct criteria .
25 When I look at the results of other development efforts , I have also not seen improvements in cost of maintenance .
26 In addition , when I look at the plight of the millions of people who 've been made homeless recently because of flooding in other parts of the world , it does make me realize how lucky we are as a society that homelessness is still on a much smaller scale here than it is in some countries .
27 ‘ So when I look at the books now and I see all the symbols and all the stuff they do , I think ‘ Well , I 've already played this , and I 'm not really interested in reading it ! ’
28 And now when I look round the garden I can say that 's Diane and
29 I 'm not sure what I 'm aiming for when I look in the mirror .
30 Where was the little girl , or er younger I do n't want to make up because , but now I feeling I 'm aged it , I should be wearing some make up here , with just a feeling we should be , when I look in the mirror oh its getting old so
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