Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [verb] [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty years ago I walked along it , half hoping to find a lost domain , and when I had crossed the small brick bridge over a stream I suddenly saw Wood Dalling Hall sailing like some proud ship above hawthorn hedges and ancient meadows , as beautiful and as Norfolk as could be .
2 I became frustrated almost to screaming when I had finished a well-received and humorous story about the death of my grandfather and found that she was turned away in deep conversation with another woman .
3 when I had afforded a nice , that when someone holding it you can have a little
4 When I had got the whole lot home I had a think .
5 Quite evidently when I had performed the various therapies I had n't performed them properly .
6 ‘ I tend to get carried away when I 've drunk a wee bit too much .
7 And when I 've done a good lesson — whatever that means — when it 's gone down well .
8 I 'll be able to tell you more when I 've done the full PM .
9 I 'm not going to bother to go out and buy new paint when I 've got a damn great tub
10 ‘ The crossover back of this top looks really stunning when I 've got a good suntan ’ Shirlie , left
11 You have that towards the , though I 've got to give you seventy , seventy five so shall I give it to you when I 've got the whole lot ?
12 It is even more useful when I have found a glaring mistake , have partially undone something and rehung the stitches inaccurately .
13 Because if you do n't , if do n't do a word by word translation , as some of you did , you , you may miss the meaning of certain words , and that might totally alter your perception of what 's being said , and then what you should , wh when you 've done a literal translation , you will have a very stiff erm , u unusual version of it , written in modern English vocabulary but you 'll find that word ordering and things like that wo n't be appropriate , and sometimes the vocabulary are n't the kind of words that would normally be used now .
14 So use the other half of the diagram , and then when you 've done the other half , the whole thing is a two-fold rotation about the centre of C.
15 Other than that , the TriAxis is great fun to play with , the sounds are top grade and there 's a real sense of achievement when you 've created a personalised bunch of presets .
16 The rest of us might put the same thing in much more simple terms by voicing that popular complaint , ‘ When you 've eaten a Chinese meal you feel hungry again in a couple of hours . ’
17 When you 've made a physical space — a table and a chair — for your writer-self , you will find that an inner space begins to open up in the imagination .
18 But when you 've moved a five-bedroomed house which has got a grand piano in it as well , and you 're about twenty to thirty foot at the back and all you can see is furniture furniture furniture furniture furniture , you can imagine as you go on you 're thinking God will we ever get to this ?
19 I 've worked in for 30 years and lots of us have worked for over 25 years and we do know that they are bringing in trainees in on higher salaries than ourselves , which obviously is quite upsetting when you 've worked a long time .
20 When you 've mastered the various strokes possible ( including lobs and smashes ) , you can enter any of the four Grandslam tournaments ( including Wimbledon ) , taking on computer players of varying ability .
21 I said it 's for when you 've got a blunt dart and you sharpen it .
22 for when you 've got a simple straightforward of X. Like if I said , Y equals X squared plus two , you just differentiate it straight off by doing each term like that .
23 It 's like tying an old sock round your neck when you 've got a sore throat . ’
24 And when you 've got a good Neighbourhood Watch this is so , and you 'll find that they are very efficient .
25 It is embarrassing when you 've got a spare tyre that keeps protruding between the bottom of your bra and the top of your roll-ons as if you were a snakecharmer with your pet python coiled round your midriff .
26 It 's an awful strain though when you 've got a young person like you know like Paul , because I mean they have their future before them and but very sad really he erm That other boy seems to of gone out does n't he , that was in the other day , that was walking around , he seemed to of had his treatment and gone .
27 most word processors wo n't show when you 've got a new line character .
28 when you 've got a big articulated lorry ,
29 And we went up there , oh dear , driving up there you 're going up on this little tiny when you 've got a big car .
30 Er yeah , but when you 've got a big pile of papers your judgement gets impaired after you 've you 've er
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