Example sentences of "take [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was increasingly polished during the reign of Louis XIV when the first professional dancers took over from the courtiers after the founding of the Académie Royale de Danse within the Académie Royale de Musique ( 1672 ) .
2 It 's back — Oz Clarke 's Wine Guide 1993 returns for its ninth year with a prediction : that Australian winemakers who know ‘ how to take a pile of sows ’ ears and turn them into silk purses ’ are taking over from the vineyards of Europe .
3 Pushing his way through the bushes along the side of the path , Greg took off into the gardens of Meadowbanks , flanking the fire-fighting operation along the front of the house .
4 Also , I have found Mr Hauser has a Lear jet which flies him across the world plus a Sikorsky helicopter which I saw taking off from the grounds of Livingstone Manor .
5 The only way this impinged on the message Macmillan had been taking up to the generals in the front-line was that they might now have to prepare even more urgently for military operations to reinforce allied policy .
6 Since the maximum term of imprisonment which might be imposed in the Magistrates ' court for a single offence is six months , the Act effectively took out of the hands of the magistrates the power to impose sentences of immediate imprisonment on the majority of offenders who had not previously been sentenced to imprisonment or borstal training .
7 When an offer is under-subscribed , the unsold stock is taken on to the books of the Bank of England and used as a tap stock for sale to the market over time as and when demand develops or can be created .
8 Seventy five percent is taken in through the eyes of which we 're gon na recall about fifty percent , so fifty percent of that seventy five percent yeah ?
9 I do n't like him , but he 's a cynical bastard and wo n't be taken in by the likes of Buckmaster . ’
10 I was pretty well broke by then , but thanks to the good offices of Msgr John Esseff , they were taken in by the Sisters of Charity , the Most Reverend Mother Teresa 's order , who hid them out in a convent in Spain .
11 The crowd also demanded the removal of the two remaining statues of Stalin from central Ulan Bator , one of which was taken down by the authorities on Jan. 16 .
12 But not so long ago they were actually sails and had to be put up and taken down like the sails of a ship .
13 The memorial harbour light on Carraig Fhada at the entrance to Kilnaughton Bay was built in 1853 and taken over by the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses in 1924 .
14 It had a capacity of 20,000 tons in timber silos and was taken over by the Commissioners in 1906 .
15 The occasional broadcasts had been taken over by the priests with their simplistic message of all-out war with the Hunters and , the more disturbing subtext , of the people needing to repent and place their fate in the hands of the Prime Mover .
16 Husam eddin rejects the story of the quarrel and the dating of Molla Fenari 's departure in the reign of Bayezid I , asserting that Karaman had been wholly taken over by the Ottomans in 793/1391 while the documents ( dated 796,802 and 804 ) show Molla Fenari 's period of office as kadi to have fallen after that date ; and he says rather that Molla Fenari returned to Karaman with Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey in early 805/summer 1402 , following the battle of Ankara ( Dhu " l-Hijja 804/July 1402 ) , when the latter was freed and reinstated by Timur and Karaman reconstituted as an independent state .
17 With trading settlements and ports of call at Goa , the Cape and Lisbon , the Portuguese undermined the economy of the Mameluke Empire to such an extent that it was taken over by the Ottomans in 1517 .
18 This festival was linked in the East with the birth of Mithras and later taken over by the Christians by conveniently moving the birthday of Christ to this date .
19 Some of these covers were actually odd pieces of common land , old cow-pastures that had been allowed to get out of hand , taken over by the fox-hunters for fencing and preservation , in return for a money payment to the holders of the common rights .
20 Joss-stick and Asian artefact merchants added to the atmosphere of the Indian countryside suddenly taken over by the children of the long boom .
21 The convent was in the protection of St Sophia and the church was dedicated to her , but changed its dedication when the building was taken over by the nuns of the Salesiane della Visitazione order .
22 Major Buckley had a colourful career as manager of Wolves in the 1930s , but it was not until Sir Matt Busby 's brilliant reign at Manchester United that the commanding role of manager after Chapman 's example was firmly taken up outside the bounds of Highbury .
23 A large part of its small area is taken up by the grounds of The Crystal Palace and by a residential school .
24 A critical factor appears to be the enhanced influx of external calcium which is taken up by the stores with two consequences .
25 The £56 ( for fitting an Alfasud seat ) included a metal bar to reduce the space taken up by the safety-straps in the boot .
26 The remainder were taken up in the amalgamations of 1974 , which coincided with the creation of the Metropolitan Councils , and today 's amalgamated forces often seem to owe as much to local and national political opportunity than to any operational logic ; and even two decades after the first melding together of the small forces , attempts to standardize uniform and systems of operation has consistently failed to dislodge many localized , small-scale beliefs and practices .
27 Most of these options have been taken up in the days of the controversies over Christology .
28 She was going to insist on driving the woman away from Nice , because Barbara Coleman must be taken out of the clutches of Maurin and anybody else who interfered with her liberty .
29 Perhaps it would be better if the sport of boundary disputing was taken out of the hands of lawyers who are , by nature , adversarial .
30 Contracts were shortened and meat prices restrained ; the meat plant was nationalized and the export distribution channel lost ; the issue of land tenure for pastoralists became submerged in the much bigger ujamaa re-settlement programme of 1975 ; and livestock buying at markets was taken out of the hands of the traditional Somali buyers and for the most part placed in the hands of state agents .
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