Example sentences of "take [noun sg] at the [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 The draw will take place at the Society 's Annual Reunion to be held on Saturday 19th November 1988 at .
2 The critical question is : what happened between [ Bunn ] and the husband at their meeting of 23 July which took place at the bank 's premises ?
3 Keast , who was just able to recall the Jubilee celebrations for George III in 1810 taking place at the Bullers ' home at Shillingham , was to officiate at Queen 's Victoria 's Golden Jubilee celebrations in 1887 at the age of 84 .
4 He held a shotgun at Mr Lamb 's throat and when he wheeled around and took aim at the shop 's owner , Mr Lamb grabbed a pistol from under the counter and fired once .
5 A police statement on Nov. 14 , however , claimed that the shots had gone astray ( one into the air , the other into the ground ) only because a policeman had pounced on the gunman , Aleksandr Shmonov , as he had been taking aim at the leadership 's reviewing stand atop the Lenin Mausoleum , only 46 metres away .
6 Twenty years later , Antonia White 's The Sugar House actually went before a judge , when an actress called June Sylvaine took umbrage at the book 's portrayal of a bitchy , overweight trouper of that name .
7 And , further , how does it appear that the testator 's implied request , if it could be implied , or his promise , if that promise alone would suffice , or both together , were intended to cause the marriage , or did cause it , so that the marriage can be said to have taken place at the testator 's request , or , in other words , in consequence of that request ?
8 Her acceptance as a full member nation is expected to take place at the ITF 's Annual General Meeting , which takes place in the Dominican Republic in September .
9 Training may have to take place at the principal 's manufacturing plant and such training should form a compulsory part of any agreement .
10 And half the scenes take place at the pair 's Whitehall club , where they live .
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