Example sentences of "take [pron] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My route takes me up into the Chiltern foothills , and a labyrinth of green lanes .
2 I find it very depressing because it takes me away from the constructive side of the business and into being a sort of financial PR and being defensive .
3 where the dropped kerb is , that takes you on to the private road .
4 Leaving early in the morning , this safari takes you high above the drifting game on the reserve in the clear morning light .
5 Clicking on OK takes you back to the current document , leaving COUNT in its original empty state .
6 One such trip on Lake Maggiore takes you out to the tiny , but exquisite Borromean islands .
7 He takes something out of the black box .
8 But he does n't , and my mother wo n't tell him to go , because she 's never in her life told anyone to go , it is n't in her , but he 's grinding her into the ground , she ca n't work , she ca n't concentrate , he keeps talking to her all the time , and the baby cries , and it upsets her , for all that she keeps saying it does n't , and that it takes her back to the happiest years of her life , when we were all in plastic pants , I suppose she means , except I think we all had to wear wet woolly leggings , she had this thing about plastic pants being unhealthy . "
9 Away goes Lawrence to , takes it again with the bottom hand away from the bat , it 's off the back foot this time , stabbing it down in front of him , a short of a length ball .
10 Absolute exemption from restriction or regulation is never obtained : circumstances , social or economic , may have altered , since they obtained acceptance , in such a way as to call for a fresh examination ; there may be some exorbitance or special feature in the individual contract which takes it out of the accepted category : but the court however must be persuaded of this before it calls upon the relevant party to justify a contract of this kind .
11 We must then continue with a rolling programme of reform that takes us away from the narrow concept of notional rents .
12 Jacob 's demand for a blessing is only what we would expect , and yet it prepares us for the turning point in the story , which follows immediately afterwards , and takes us back into the clearer air of the larger narrative .
13 At this point the whole argument not only takes us back to the eighteenth-century speculations about poetry versus reason , but begins to tie in with recent neurological discoveries concerning the workings of the two halves of the human brain which have been derived from experimentally induced conditions of aphasia .
14 The second question raised by the dual nature of disciplines — as bodies of knowledge and bodies of people — takes us back to the very distinction between ‘ academic ’ and ‘ professional ’ courses .
15 The answer to this question takes us back to the very origins of the town in the middle years of the twelfth century .
16 No one could see Old Town Street , at Plymouth , without beginning at once to speculate about the significance of a name like this : and in fact the name takes us back to the very beginnings , to the poverty-stricken little Saxon village of farmers and fishermen , well down behind the Hoe , out of which this great naval city has grown .
17 He likes to recall China 's ‘ 5,000 year-old tradition of history ’ ( which takes us back to the mythical Yellow Emperor ) and urges China 's battered intellectuals to revive their patriotic spirit .
18 Say they started on a Monday at two o'clock in the afternoon , he or she will take them away for the first hour and go through some of the main points of their work here .
19 They leave their civilian jobs , and instead of heading for home and a quiet night in front of the television , report in to their company bases , change into military uniform and are briefed for the night 's patrol tasks , which will take them through until the early hours of the morning , When they again become civilians .
20 One , two , three , four five six , seven , eight no one , two three , four there 's nine so we 'll probably have to take some stools in , but I wo n't take them in till the last minute .
21 I 'm not telling you where I am ; you 'll only tell Angus and he 'll tell the police and they 'll take me back to the fucking hospital . ’
22 When you pick up the rec , the , the hands it will actually take you through to the nearest police control room area now , if it 's on the M eleven then most of the calls will go into Chelmsford , our police headquarters , once you cross over the borders and go into Metropolitan area , then that goes up to the Scotland Yard in their control rooms .
23 Erm , can I take you on to the next one which is twelve B two .
24 Er , you will be listened to , er , and that will create , and you will have influence , and that cycle will take you back into the positive memories for the next time you try and change something .
25 In Holloway they do n't take you out to the ante-natal clinic or get you a scan or nothing ; Styal they do .
26 And she 'd take him off to the second-hand bookstall which specialized in the politics of the left , or to attend a useful meeting , and stand around with banners .
27 He drove a wide circle out of the car park towards the slip-road that would take him back to the dual carriageway .
28 Pete suggested that in a few days ' time he could take her out to the nearest big town on the coast , and there she could look for clothes in the department stores and check out the library for the addresses of any useful organisations or people to contact .
29 thing you could pass on to the police and they could take it up with the local council .
30 They can take it through to the ancestral ballroom . ’
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