Example sentences of "take [noun] at a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This cleaning takes place at a definite cleaning station , usually by a large rock or near some other bold feature on the sea bed .
2 It has been argued by Clegg ( 1976 ) that in terms of the causal direction of the relationship it is the level of bargaining which determines the degree of centralisation , with the result that power is decentralised within organisations when bargaining takes place at a decentralised level , and vice versa .
3 The second method for regeneration to be initiated is by a time clock , so that it takes place at a convenient time such as during the night .
4 ( An event in this sense is something that takes place at a single point in space , at a specified point in time . )
5 He takes shelter at a Pennine farm where the man 's daily conversational output is ‘ Two more dead i ’ beck ’ and the woman listens to Holly 's soliloquy like a raggedy Miranda , astonished as the sound of a human voice .
6 In order to avoid disputes and unnecessary duplication of effort , where work requires remeasurement this will take place at a joint meeting of the builder 's surveyor and the sub-contractor .
7 While this is not insignificant ( a weakness of the lecture or the teacher-directed lesson is that it must take place at a pre-set time irrespective of student readiness ) it is hardly Liberty Hall .
8 Labour 's National Executive Committee agreed last night that the leadership contest should take place at a special conference on July 18 .
9 Reed was also ordered to pay Macmillan 's legal costs , and an inquiry into the amount of damages suffered by Macmillan will take place at a later date .
10 Besides a number of activities which took place at a regional level , many more were carried on throughout the year by its corporate and personal members .
11 These are not , however , the same kind of truth ; for the first holds for all time and every place , whereas the second has to do with a specific event which as a matter of fact took place at a particular point in history .
12 The deal took place at a public inquiry in 1981 , when the owner , Wedgwood , was applying for a second time for consent to demolish .
13 However , the change is taking place at a differential rate which seems to be related to the relative prestige of the various media .
14 A similar , if less dramatic , process ‘ was taking place at a lower level ; new urban districts were being carved out of the rural districts ’ ( Keith-Lucas and Richards 1978:200 ) .
15 The combination of a higher activity of calcium in bile and precipitation of bile salts taking place at a lower pH in patients with gall stone disease than in patients without gall stones suggests a major role for calcium and pH in the pathogenesis of gall stones .
16 Technical change within the IT sector is taking place at a fast pace as data processing , microchips , telecommunications , image broadcasting and satellite transmission coalesce .
17 In both cases these are intellectuals talking about their own work by linking it with a process continually taking place at a popular level and in everyday life .
18 At the stage in the growth of a scientific discovery when it is no longer just internal but has not yet become a formal paper , then the scholarly interchange would have depended on whom individuals knew or knew of , the letter writing would be unmanaged and survive by chance ( often only one side of the story ) and , due to concern that ideas should not be stolen , may only have taken place at a late stage of the discovery process .
19 The purchaser may be tempted to take a stance it might not have chosen if the same negotiations had taken place at a later stage .
20 Many would argue fiercely for local autonomy , in both sectors , which makes it possible to develop flexibly and to take responsibility at a local level .
21 ( 5 ) Where under a contract of sale the transfer of the property in the goods is to take place at a future time or subject to some condition later to be fulfilled the contract is called an agreement to sell .
22 If the reconnection were to take place at a steady rate , the ion energy would show a continuous latitudinal dispersion .
23 A 20Mb/second SCSI-2 interface connects the host system and the array , allowing backup to take place at a sustained rate of 3.5Gb per hour .
24 Cross-sectional studies take place at a single point of time ( although the ‘ point ’ may in practice cover several months ) .
25 He 'll force you to take life at a slower pace , to put your feet up when you feed him , and to enjoy cuddling and stroking him .
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