Example sentences of "when [pron] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the day of the interviews I noticed that Jenny Ball was smartly dressed and in particular I also saw that she was wearing a wedding ring ; an item of jewellery that she seldom wore when I saw her in school on other days .
2 It was strange , the conversation Dad and I had , because when I saw him at home later and over the next few days he behaved as if it had never happened , as if he had n't told me he 'd fallen in love with someone else .
3 I gave myself a brisk tub down with a towel — when I saw it in daylight it looked as though it had been run over by a lorry on a muddy building site — and changed every stitch of clothing .
4 ‘ Love at first sight ’ is a very apt description of how I felt when I saw you in church today . ’
5 I had been horrified at his scarecrow appearance when I first saw him at the clinic , and when I met him by chance in Tala-Tala I felt so sorry for him that I asked him if he would like to come for dinner .
6 When I raised it as Chairman at the General Management Committee , I was disgusted to find that people laughed at the very subject that was so important to women who 've come up here today to let us know the consequences of what was happening .
7 But when I asked him for permission he just agreed .
8 But it was there when my heart softened on witnessing the courtesy you showed my housekeeper , the smile you had for her ; there when I asked you to dinner with no certainty why I 'd done so , other than that it most assuredly was n't on account of any interview .
9 Your Grace will therefore be so good as to allow me to ask you most humbly for my discharge … seeing that when I asked you for permission to travel to Vienna three years ago you graciously declared that I had nothing to hope for in Salzburg and would do better to seek my fortune elsewhere .
10 When I took you to church and gave you your name , he did not come .
11 I asked that when I bought it of course .
12 My son Jonathan , who turns two on Christmas Day , was fascinated to see his own image when I captured him on home video .
13 When I helped him into bed he said , with some echo of his old authority , that nothing was to change while he was here ; that I was to go on with my work ; that he would teach me to play chess at last ; that he was absolutely thrilled to be out of hospital , and it would be a positive delight to look after himself .
14 WILLIAMS , formally ] I am very glad to see you well and I am very glad of an opportunity to acknowledge your good intentions when you believed me in distress .
15 This was the kind of moment when words formed into meanings and , when you transferred them to paper , they turned into poetry .
16 Johnson did not drink her proffered dram , but Boswell and the two guides did , and when she asked them for snuff , her great luxury , they had none , but gave her money instead .
17 He seemed distracted when she asked him about Island Trading 's reliability .
18 ‘ Ready ? ’ she asked quietly when she ran her to earth in the lounge .
19 Cow 's milk had saved Patrick 's life , but when she gave it to Angel she became sick and feverish .
20 Ettedgui , who had supported Hamnett by selling her first clothes in his shops , was upset when she abandoned him in favour of Bertelsen , an oil-rich entrepreneur who arrived in London offering designer deals and retail arrangements in 1986 .
21 She had forced him to live against the grain of his own nature which was weak and pleasure-loving and stubborn with it , so that when she beat him for laziness or lying , he became more determinedly idle and sullen .
22 He was always happy to help her keep her hair beautiful , even when it was time to use the greenish-brown powder that reminded him of warm cow-dung when she mixed it with water .
23 Stephen was talking to a tall , elegantly dressed woman , who looked younger than she actually was , and her much older husband when she joined him for lunch in the beach bar .
24 ‘ When we dragged Cpl Edwards out of his seat the back of his head had been blown off — but I still thought he would be OK when we got him to hospital .
25 When they told me at work she 'd bought that , I was , cos they lived up at Green Lane I thought my God he 'd have they 've picked a a bad spot there cos there 's no flood protection at all there .
26 She was frightened and depressed when they took her into hospital for the operation on December 22 , but she was fit enough to go home on Christmas Day .
27 JIM LEIGHTON ( above ) , the goalkeeper Manchester United once dropped from an FA Cup final , was yesterday put on Wembley alert by semi-finalists Sheffield United when they signed him on loan from Dundee .
28 Cos I remember once when they asked me at work to deliver the annual speech you know the man that asked me he says er , you know , they 've gone round everybody else and nobody else would do it and would I do it , and I said good lord , that were my first reaction , and I realized like all the company secretaries lo lord , so I did very well there
29 The point in both appeals was whether the jury should have been allowed to hear the tape recording of the appellant 's interview with the police when they requested it after retirement , it not having been played to them during the course of the trial .
30 The children knew that the little bunnies were coming and they were so careful of the mother when they fed her with lettuce and cabbage .
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