Example sentences of "when [pron] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The cones are now all flowing with pitch , and my hands are soon so covered with it that I can not easily cast down my booty when I would , it sticks to my fingers so ; and when I get down at last and have picked them up , I can not touch my basket with such hands but carry it on my arm , nor can I pick up my coat which I have taken off unless with my teeth — or else I kick it up and catch it on my arm .
2 When I looked up at last , it was to see the near cliffs bright with the afternoon sun , and the sea creaming calmly against the storm beach in the gentlest of high tides .
3 but you know we , we might feel cold when we get in at first , oh we have n't been in long before it 's warm is n't it ?
4 But Jim really hurt her because erm when she was going out with him he was a virgin and then erm they came back , you notice things were a bit sort of sort of on the rocks when they came back at first ?
5 ‘ But why ? ’ asked the Ambassador when he looked up at last .
6 Donald McCulloch came back from ‘ the reel of Ballechin' long after his mother , and when he got up at last next morning , the cold porridge had been thrown out to the hens .
7 Scott 's experience was typical : when he wrote in on 1st December querying various aspects of the schedules , he was brusquely told a week later that no variations were permitted , and the designs must be prepared in accordance with the printed instructions .
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