Example sentences of "take over the [noun pl] of the " in BNC.

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1 The commonalty were allowed a council of sixty , which had to assent to the decisions of the mayor and aldermen , who took over the powers of the earlier assembly of twenty-four .
2 To a large extent we have to infer the nature of this earliest division from what we can learn of later arrangements ; in particular we are told by Gregory of Tours that in 561 Clovis 's grandsons took over the kingdoms of the previous generation ; thus , Charibert I ( 561 – 7 ) received the portion of Childebert I ( 511 – 58 ) , based on Paris ; Guntram ( 561 – 92 ) that of Chlodomer ( 511 – 24 ) , with its centre at Orléans ; Chilperic I ( 561 – 84 ) was given the kingdom of Soissons , once held by Chlothar I ( 511 – 61 ) ; while Sigibert I ( 561 – 75 ) inherited the realm of Theuderic I ( 511 – 34 ) and his descendants , Theudebert I ( 534 – 47 ) and Theudebald ( 547 – 55 ) , and established himself at Rheims .
3 The merits of the argument were accepted notwithstanding , and gradually the Lord Chancellor and his staff took over the appointments of the chairmen of most , and the members of many , tribunals .
4 He could see that refrigeration would bring about a complete change in people 's lifestyles and in 1880 he took over the patents of the Bell–Coleman cold-air machine and developed what was known as the dry air refrigerator .
5 This duty was helped by the fact that the general hospital units being built up in the London catchment area were already taking over the functions of the asylums .
6 The special party congress , staged under the auspices of the 25-member ‘ working committee ’ that has taken over the functions of the Communist SED will last through the weekend .
7 The special party congress , staged under the auspices of the 25-member ‘ working committee ’ that has taken over the functions of the Communist SED will last through the weekend .
8 The special party congress , staged under the auspices of the 25-member ‘ working committee ’ that has taken over the functions of the Communist SED will last through the weekend .
9 well the the have a training roll and it may well be that the will be able to I mean I have n't spoken for example but they have taken over the functions of the old Manpower Services Commission training agency .
10 The year before Mountbatten died he had taken over the reins of the United World Colleges ( UWC ) from his great-uncle .
11 The bank had taken over the shares of the owners of the Art-B company when they were arrested for fraud in August 1991 [ see p. 38399 ] and was said to owe 6,000,000 million zlotys ( $430 million ) to the central bank ( NBP ) .
12 On one hand , therefore , McElroy is preparing for private companies to take over the reigns of the weather craft ; on the other , he is inviting other countries to become involved in what could be a link only between governments .
13 Mullins , who moved to the North-East to take over the kennels of the late Tom Whitfield in November after working as head lad for his mother , Linda Mullins , in Essex , gets the award after providing 15 winners from 61 runners , an average of 26.6pc .
14 Under new powers , also approved on June 26 , the Serbian Assembly had been empowered to take over the affairs of the Kosovo Assembly and of other official bodies , and to suspend troublemakers .
15 ‘ Poor Law ’ became ‘ Public Assistance ’ , and under the terms of the Act , Bedfordshire County Council set up a standing committee under that name to take over the functions of the former Board of Guardians .
16 The UAB provided a model that enabled central government to take over the functions of the poor law agencies .
17 The construction industry 's authority should remain a statutory body while the Engineering Training Authority should be allowed to take over the functions of the old engineering industry training board .
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