Example sentences of "take them [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These dolphins are oceanic travellers , with a migration route Of thousands of kilometres which takes them past the southern coastline of Japan on both legs of their annual migration .
2 From time to time the press carries rumours of such enquiries , but they usually remain rumours unless legal action takes them into the public domain , because the DTI never comments or publishes the findings .
3 Some would take them to the top half of the dale , and the others the bottom half .
4 ‘ Will you be taking them to the maximum security wing , sir ? ’
5 The road took them between the old splendour of the Khulafa and the Gailani mosques , and across the railway track that wound half the length of the country to Arbil , and out through Housing Project Number Ten , and through the concretescape of Saddam City , the Chairman 's way of marking the end of the Iranian war .
6 She took them through the square hall into a sitting-room and offered them sherry .
7 Earlier in the year fittingly , during Passover , the festival which celebrates the Israelites ' escape from Egypt and the beginning of the journey which eventually took them to the Promised Land — Rabbi Moishe announced with quiet satisfaction that their contributions had mounted up to a sum sufficient to buy three hundred dunams of land in Palestine , that the purchase was in the process of being arranged on their behalf by the Jewish National Fund , and that he himself would lead an advance party of settlers from Cork before the end of 1920 .
8 The opening encounter took them to the small island of St Vincent , where the pitch was some way from international standard .
9 I took them to the dry cleaner 's this afternoon . ’
10 The tablets she found later and took them to the Social Work Department to be sent to the child .
11 Stephen took them up the zig-zag track .
12 Sometimes the king allowed subjects to take deer for themselves in his forests ; the warden 's duty was to see to it that they had a proper writ of warranty when they came to his forest , that they did not take more than the specified number , and that they took them in the prescribed manner .
13 The flood apart from ruining their home made their own car which should have taken them for the fully-paid honeymoon in Scotland , float off down the road and crash into another car .
14 We had taken them with the aforementioned pinch of salt .
15 He had offered to take them to the local dressmaker 's to have them seamed in to a more fashionable line , but Gina would n't even let him do that .
16 She was about to ask him why the party had been using the OBEX pool when , as if he could read her thoughts , he said , ‘ I used to take them to the public swimming-pool in town , but it gets so crowded that some of them used to get frightened .
17 'Cos he took them boots and it was my job to take them to the big house for the gentleman . ’
18 They made their way down Friday Street , Old Fish Street and into the Vintry , and hired a wherry at Oueenshithe Wharf to take them along the choppy river to the-Savoy Palace .
19 Yeah take them in the front room then , take them out to erm
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