Example sentences of "take them [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These dolphins are oceanic travellers , with a migration route Of thousands of kilometres which takes them past the southern coastline of Japan on both legs of their annual migration .
2 Bill Mumford says you need climbing skills and it 's a challenge that takes them into a new realm … he says they are praying for dry weather … but it gets very cold … drops to minus twenty at night
3 I will expand further on this dichotomy between quality and quantity of ‘ crime ’ in Chapter 5 , but would argue that the chase for numerical detections in which detectives everywhere are immersed moves them across another conceptual boundary and takes them into a statistical world away from their previous world as ‘ real polises ’ where the central classifier of conflict with the ‘ prig ’ remains , as ever , in a power struggle over the body ( Foucault 1977 ) .
4 From time to time the press carries rumours of such enquiries , but they usually remain rumours unless legal action takes them into the public domain , because the DTI never comments or publishes the findings .
5 They would expect to learn of the success of the Tay landings , and to set off on the seven miles that would take them to the central strongholds of Alba , already besieged by their fellows .
6 Some would take them to the top half of the dale , and the others the bottom half .
7 It seemed as if Lydia would take them like a new baby and display them triumphantly to the assembled company .
8 Franks led them through some swing doors with a flourish and into another corridor , explaining that normally he would not waste money by taking them to a full editing suite .
9 Ever increasing reproductive technologies are re-ordering social aspects of reproduction , specifically women 's fertility , sexuality and pregnancies , by taking them to an industrial level , making them more and more scientific/medical procedures in need of ’ expert ’ interference , and so moving them even further out of women 's control .
10 ‘ Will you be taking them to the maximum security wing , sir ? ’
11 A Mr Big character showed the pre-pubescents the gigging ropes , a set of Status Quo covers taking them to the giddy heights of 600 capacity community discos .
12 The road took them between the old splendour of the Khulafa and the Gailani mosques , and across the railway track that wound half the length of the country to Arbil , and out through Housing Project Number Ten , and through the concretescape of Saddam City , the Chairman 's way of marking the end of the Iranian war .
13 She took them through the square hall into a sitting-room and offered them sherry .
14 At planning meetings with the senior management I often had to endure predictable little jokes about Andreas 's ‘ harem ’ , but I took them with a good grace .
15 In some cases groups of villagers rented them , in others local landowners and in others again merchants , who took them on a speculative basis ( 209 , p.282 ) .
16 My mother then gathered them up and put them in a container , and I took them to a nearby stream and let them go with goodness knows what effect on the environment .
17 Hope had sent for Burkett : when the man and his daughter arrived , he took them to a quiet corner of the yard .
18 Hawkins , a Devon merchant , had seen that the demand for slaves from Africa was increasing in South America , and in 1562 he sailed — in the way many Englishmen were to do in the seventeenth and eighteenth century — to West Africa , bought slaves , took them to the Caribbean ports , and sold them at a profit .
19 Earlier in the year fittingly , during Passover , the festival which celebrates the Israelites ' escape from Egypt and the beginning of the journey which eventually took them to the Promised Land — Rabbi Moishe announced with quiet satisfaction that their contributions had mounted up to a sum sufficient to buy three hundred dunams of land in Palestine , that the purchase was in the process of being arranged on their behalf by the Jewish National Fund , and that he himself would lead an advance party of settlers from Cork before the end of 1920 .
20 The opening encounter took them to the small island of St Vincent , where the pitch was some way from international standard .
21 I took them to the dry cleaner 's this afternoon . ’
22 The tablets she found later and took them to the Social Work Department to be sent to the child .
23 While the aircraft was unloaded the crew was spirited away by car through the back roads of the airport by a civilian with a machine-gun , who took them to the old Sheraton Hotel and offered them cakes and coffee .
24 The whole family dreaded going to court , so Theresa took them to an empty courtroom , showed them where everyone sat and explained what would happen .
25 Stephen took them up the zig-zag track .
26 Sometimes the king allowed subjects to take deer for themselves in his forests ; the warden 's duty was to see to it that they had a proper writ of warranty when they came to his forest , that they did not take more than the specified number , and that they took them in the prescribed manner .
27 It is the result of a six-year trek around the world by the Kienholzes which took them from an Indian reservation in South Dakota to China and got them thinking about how the chance of one 's birth is all important in one 's life .
28 He took them by a tortuous route to a pub called The Black Dog , which made a change from horses and pookas , until she recollected uneasily that a black dog was one of the devil 's traditional earthly disguises .
29 She took them by a short cut to the Weinbaum Canal .
30 The flood apart from ruining their home made their own car which should have taken them for the fully-paid honeymoon in Scotland , float off down the road and crash into another car .
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